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Song:can't help falling in love tøp cover
A/N at the end + Get tissues

It had been six months since Victor saved Yuri. It turned out the fall had caused physical trauma and being abused mental trauma and Yuri could never get back on the ice to compete. Neither of them ever saw Yurio again however he was fined for medical costs as it was his fault. however why bother having a soppy sad story as this is the best part of the story.
It was Victor and Yuri's wedding day. Yuri had proposed in the hospital a few days after the incident and six months later as it was time to tie the knot.
Victor stood in the front looking at all the guests that had arrived to the wedding. It was in the heart of Japan where they only had the best of the cherry blossoms as it was cherry blossom season. Victor smiled as Yuri entered the scene. He was wearing a white tux his hair done back as he always wore on the ice.
Victor's eyes watered as he would never be able to see his Yuri on the ice looking beautiful again, because someone took that luxury away from him forever. But Victor tried not to think about that as Yuri walked down the rest of the aisle. Yuri walked up on the podium next to Victor and smiled. Victor had to resist kissing him now.
The priest went over most of the things that they said that no one actually listened to. "Victor Nikforov, do you promise to take care of Yuri Katsuki until the day you pass onto another life?" "I do," Victor says smiling at Yuri. "and do you Yuri Katsuki Promise to take Victor, as your beloved wedded husband?" "I do" Yuri says eyes also watering. "I now pronounce you Husbands, from now to the end of time" and before anything else could be said Victor wrapped his hands around Yuri and kissed him with all the love he had inside him.
Victor picked up Yuri and held him close "I couldn't help falling in love with you, Yuri" Victor said and tears fell down Yuri's face and the crowd cheered as Victor carried his love out to start a new life, together.

Holy crap. I can't believe that this story is finally done. I just want to thank you all, everyone who commented, voted and even just read. This book would've never gotten to over 6,ooo reads ya know. I'm gonna post a FAQ tomorrow so any questions go ahead and ask and I'm also going to be editing this story later on but till then
               - Em

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