FAQ's and shaz

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Also please check out my new book "Blossom" another Victuuri but with magic and guess what... flowers

Hey frens!
I actually pondered about writing this cause nobody is probably gonna read it. But anyways. I'm still shook on how good this book did. I mean 6k reads? Wtf? I remember my goal on any book ever was to get 1k reads, do it took me by surprise when it has all this. It also makes me happy to know that I'm actually okay at something for once. Ya know? I'm always down to the ground and all the support helps. I just want to say however this was different. I usually like to write stories that are either really messed up or usually magical. But I thought it was good to write about a problem that is almost never written about but happens so much. So looking back I want you all to know that this book is to raise awareness to abusive relationships and how they can ruin people's lives, and most of the time they don't get the same endings as Yuri did and I was actually tempted to have it more realistic and have Yuri marry Yurio then commit suicide at the end, which is usually happens with abusive relationships. Lastly before I do some FAQ's I put some abusive relationship hotlines below in case you or anyone you know might be in a similar situation that Yuri was in in the story.

(US) national hotlines
Teen dating abuse:
Domestic violence:1.800.799.SAFE(7233)
Youth crisis line:
Sexual assault hotline
Love is Respect.org (abuse help)
(Also if in need contact your local emergency service ex. 911)

I really just want all of you guys to be safe and I want to make it known that I am not in any relationship at the moment (or any time soon) so don't call any hotlines in my behalf I am just raising awareness for the cause.

Next some FAQ's
1. Q: Isn't Yurio underage? Isn't their relationship illegal?
A: while yes this would be illegal, I have already said this but Yurio is 21 in it.

2. Q: Why isn't Yuri x Yurio mentioned in the title?
A: I felt that if I put Yuri x Yurio it would make it seem like it was an okay relationship but it is not.

3. Q: what happened to Yurio?
A: in the story Yurio disappears and is not heard from again. I honestly have no clue so you can make it up yourself.

4. Q: why was Yuri's dream a Panic! At the Disco song?
A: I actually just wanted to get the plot moving and I wanted people to wonder what was to happen, and I was actually going to take this down a satanic route and have Brendon actually be Otabek but decided it would be a bad idea.

5. Q: In Yuri's dream who was he with?
A: In both Yuri was with Yurio. It talked about the wedding and honeymoon but  I didn't want it to be obvious so I didn't include Yurio's face or his name.

6.Q: is this the end?
A: sadly yes, there will not be a sequel.

Lastly I didn't say anything about Yuri being pushed of the bridge because I wanted you guys to be shocked. I guess it worked by all of your reactions ;)

But that's the end of this story and I'm really happy you all liked this!

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