5. Sleep is the real hero

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Song of the chapter: Friend Please - Twenty one pilots

Yuri was afraid. That was the only emotion that went through his body. Fear. He knew what was coming and he feared it. He also knew nobody could help him. Because he loved Yurio and he didn't want to ruin the relationship.
Maybe when Yurio said to be ready maybe he meant to fuck? He tried to convince that what his brain told him was wrong, and his heart was correct. There was a Knock on the door when someone called to him. "Yuri, dinner is ready" the steps left shortly after and Yuri looked at the texts once again before heading down the stairs. Each step felt heavy like he had weights holding him down and he just wanted to cry. But he continued his way down anyway.
When he reached the bottom he saw Victor smiling but as he noticed Yuri the smile faded. This made Yuri worry that Victor knew what was going on. Yuri sat down and decided to just say it. "Yurio's coming" Yuri spoke trying to hide the pain he felt inside his face almost burning from when Yurio had slapped him.
He looked up at Victor who looked even worse about the situation. Yuri wondered why this made Victor upset but brushed it off. "Anyways have you settled yet Victor?" Yuri asked picking up his bowl of pork cutlet. "No, but would you care to help me after we eat Yuri?" "Oh, yeah" Yuri responded even though he really just wanted to cry.
Yuri was in Victor's room sitting on the floor when Victor joined him "so Yuri, I know very little about you, care to tell?" Victor asked gently as he moved closer to Yuri holding up his chin and laying his hand loosely on top of Yuri's. Yuri enjoyed the moment.
The warmth and care that Victor seemed to give off but then he froze. He was dating Yurio and if Yurio found out about this... Yuri bolted away against the wall away from Victor's soft touch. He looked saddened then asked "Yuri is there anything you want to tell me?" Victor asked his voice smooth and soft. "Nnnoo" Yuri said before running to his room crying.
As the time passed everyone else went to sleep except for two. Victor and Yuri. It was perfect sleeping conditions except for their minds.
Victor sat in his room silently listening to Yuri's cries of despair. After so long Victor couldn't take it he had to help the poor boy. So Victor slowly and quietly got up and walked to Yuri's door opening it.
"Yuri's head snapped over and his face turned a shade of pink. "Yuri, I know something is wrong you have been crying all night." He says sitting next to Yuri who now covered his face with his hands.
"Yuri, I know you're afraid of Yurio" Victor reached up and pulled his hands away showing the distress in his face. "Victor, I want to be with him but I don't know" Yuri frowned before tilting his head.
"You should sleep Yuri" "I kn-" Yuri's eyes closed and he fell asleep on Victor his worry fading away.
Victor didn't know how long it had been but he heard a voice ruining the silence and not any voice but Yurio's.

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