15. Everyone loves Yuri

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Song of the chapter - stupid for you Waterparks

Yuri was nervous. He always felt nervous before skating but he was especially worried for this. It would be the first time he had seen Yurio in six months. Yuri worried about what would happen when he saw Yurio even if Victor had his arms around Yuri for the whole time. "Yuri, the plane is about land." Victor says placing his hand on top of Yuri's. "Victor I'm scared" Yuri says looking at Victor.
"Yuri, you have nothing to worry about, I will be here every moment." Victor then wraps his arms around Yuri holding the embrace.
Soon after they arrive at the hotel but Yuri didn't calm down. "Yuri, you should sleep tomorrow's a big day." "I can't sleep" "well lucky for you I'm tired too." And with that Victor tackles Yuri on the hotel bed and pulls up the duvet. They cuddle for a bit before Yuri actually gets tired and falls asleep in Victor's arms.
Victor was just as worried. He didn't actually know what to do if Yurio stepped in and messed everything up for them and Victor knew that was bound to happen. Victor really only told Yuri these things so he could do well at the short program, especially with a theme of love, heartbreak would be really bad. But even Victor managed to shut down his brain and fall asleep after a bit.
The next morning was filled with crazy anxiety. This was the day the couple would see Yurio after all these months. They entered the skating rink holding hands, actually death gripping each other.
They walk farther and Victor wraps an arm around Yuri's waist in fear that anyone would lay a touch on his lover.
They walk over to a small area without many other people so Yuri could put on his skates. "Oh look, it's Yuri and Victor the most beloved couple of the figure skating world." Yuri and Victor froze. "Wow, not even a word? I'm surprised." Yuri looked up and there Yurio stood, looking at them sternly with his arms crossed. "You really need to start finding better hiding spots, I didn't even try and I found you two! Or maybe it's because you wanted to found? The things the press wants to see these days shocks me" Yurio laughed and walked closer to Yuri, the two making direct eye contact. "If you walk any closer I will make sure you cannot walk ever again, Yurio" Victor said stepping in front of Yurio. "Well jeez thanks for the warm welcome, you two" Yurio smiles, a dark cunning smile.
"And I'll see you on the ice Yuri, it was great to talk to you after so long" Yurio added before walking out. "What the hell is wrong with him?" Victor said turning around stopping. "Yuri?" Victor placed his arms on Yuri's shoulder, frowning.
"Victor, why is everything have to be so hard?" Yuri asks as tears rolled down his face. "I don't know love, I don't know" Victor replied wiping the tears away for what felt like the millionth time. "Victor, why can't everything just go away?" Yuri asked as the tears let up. "Because if everything went away you would be all alone, without anyone" Victor said interlocking his hands with Yuri's. "Do you promise to be strong for me?" "I'll try" "good" Victor said before planting a small kiss to Yuri's forehead.

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