22. Victor barely remembers CPR

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Song of the chapter: Keys with confidence

"What the hell did you do!?" Victor screamed turning at Yurio whose face was frozen in shock. "Oh my god" Victor ran down leaving Yurio to wallow in his own shock. Tears ran down Victor's face as he realised Yuri might die from hypothermia. Victor couldn't let him die. He should've known to move away from a fucking bridge. Victor ripped off his coat and his suit jacket and threw them on the ground. Victor looked and thank god the water was super clear, so Victor could easily spot Yuri. Victor dove in the freezing water and his muscles clenched up. "Not now I have to save Yuri" Victor told himself as he treaded through the cold water. Victor got closer and realised Yuri was below the water, he couldn't breathe. Victor swam through the water until he finally got to Yuri's freezing unconscious body. Victor checked his pulse and it was still going "thank god. But not for long" Victor reminded himself and he struggled through the cold water that was starting to burn Victor's skin.
Victor got slower as he continued before finally getting to the edge. "Victor ripped off Yuri's coat and shirt and put his large warm trench coat on instead. Victor took off his shirt and put his dry suit coat, but it barely helped. But it didn't matter. Victor had to worry about the next problem. Making Yuri conscious. "Yuri wake up, please it's me Victor." Victor stuttered out the words shivering from the cold but no sign of life. Victor kissed Yuri, still nothing. "I have to do CPR" Victor told himself remembering how much water Yuri took in. Victor did multiple chest compressions and finally a gasp broke the silence. "V-vic-victor?" Yuri's small voice asked and Victor kissed him. "I'm so sorry, I was so careless, I should have protected you, I should have seen this coming" Victor spoke to him "I-I'm okay" Yuri said but Victor knew he wasn't. "I have to get you out of here" Victor said and he scampered to his phone that was a few feet from him. He called the emergency services and they told him an ambulance would be waiting at the top of the bridge, Victor just had to get him up. "Look Yuri no matter what, you have to stay awake okay? Help is on the way" Victor told him and Yuri nodded. "Now we have to go to the top of the bridge and I'm going to carry you so you have to hold on okay" Yuri nodded again and slowly Victor stood up. Victor made his way up from the land to the top of the bridge in about five minutes. When Victor got there Yurio was gone with everything and instead an ambulance was there. Two men got out with a stretcher and Yuri was placed on. "We have to get them both somewhere warm fast." One of the men said as the other helped to get Yuri in the ambulance and Victor soon followed. The ride was long and the guys started pestering Victor with questions, most he didn't know the answer to. They finally arrived at the hospital and they tried to separate Yuri and Victor but Victor wouldn't have it. They entered a room and a nurse stopped him. "Sir, you cannot be in here" she said annoyed. "Do you think I care? Cause I don't, I love him and I'm not leaving his side ever again." Victor said and he pushed past to follow Yuri. They finally arrived in a room and all of Yuri's cold clothes were taken off and he was covered in blankets. "I don't think it's very bad" a nurse said to Victor and he looked at Yuri. "Sir, I do think you should go and get dry clothes however" she also said but Victor shook his head. "I can't leave him, I'm fine really" Victor said and the nurse huffed and exited the room.
About 10 minutes later a doctor came in to speak to Victor. "So Victor, can you tell me what happened?" He asked and Victor nodded. "We were standing on the edge of the bridge when Yurio, Yuri's ex boyfriend accidentally pushed him off and I had to save him." Victor said his gaze leading to Yuri's face. "Now, how was Yuri and Yurio's relationship?" The doctor asked. "It was not good. Yurio hit Yuri a lot. I finally didn't know at first, but I put a stop to it when I did find out" Victor said truthfully "hmm" the doctor said writing it down. "And how was your relationship with Yuri" he asked making eye contact. "It's pretty good, we have fights here and there, but I would do anything for him, I couldn't live without him." Victor said and looked down. "Lastly, what is Yurio's full name?" "It's Yuri Plisetsky" Victor said. "Okay, thank you Victor, you can stay if you would like but later, we might have to take some tests for possible mental trauma. Usually an abusive relationship is a lot more than what is led on" the doctor added on before leaving. "I'm so sorry Yuri, I'll never leave your side again" Victor said again as he stood up and planted a kiss to Yuri's forehead.

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