3. Hangover hell

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Song of the chapter: Where did the party go - Fall out boy

It was early in the morning and Yuri was asleep when Yurio woke up. His whole body hurt and he mentally cursed at the crumpled suits that sat on the floor. Yuri sat on and stretched out his arms. He decided he should do something somewhat helpful so he got had up and was grabbed two tea bags.
Yurio knew it was early as like 4 in the morning but he didn't care. Yurio only had a shirt and boxers on and Yuri, who was still fast asleep, was naked. They had a late night and Yurio only got an hour of sleep but he would be on his way back to Russia later that day so the lack of sleep didn't bother him.
However his hair looked like a train wreck that had caught on fire so he got a hair elastic to put it up.
A few moments later he put water in the pot and the tea started. He didn't know if he should wake his boyfriend up, let him sleep in or to join Yuri and get a few more winks. He decided for the second one and the pot steamed and whistled the noise spreading through the silent room.
"Huh, What?" Yuri had woken up.  "Where the hell am I?" He grumbled. Yurio poured the tea a cup for himself and one for Yuri. "Here it will help with the hangover" Yuri sipped the tea. "Yuri? Where did the party go?" Yuri never called Yurio by his real name. "We went here, well I brought you here and well shit happened" Yurio smiled at himself realizing Yuri didn't remember what happened the past night.
"Yuri, do you have my glasses?" Yurio didn't have the glasses matter a fact had no clue where they went. "Uh, no" Yurio put it simply. "Great." He puffed drinking more tea. "Yuri do you know what happened last night?" Yurio wanted to confirm it.
"Nope not one bit. But you are a crazy drunk." Yurio commented "oh no, what happened?" "Well we were there and you got drunk, then we came back here." Yurio answered not wanting to spoil everything that had occurred the past night.
"Yuri, did we fuck?" "Not saying" "we fucked last night didn't we?" "Not saying" "great" Yuri layed back down.
Tea spilled. "I told you to drink it not spill it fucktard" Yurio says grabbing the cup away and setting it on the counter. "Sorry, I didn't mean to spill it, I'm just hungover." "Yeah I noticed" "do you have any pain killers? Everything hurts" Yurio walked to his suitcase and got the medicine. "Thanks" Yuri popped in the pills and started to stand "oh I have no clothes" Yuri pointed out.
"I don't think mine will fit you, but you can try." The only clothes that fit were a pair of pj bottoms. "I should probably head back to my hotel so I can pack and check my plane ticket but I'll meet you in the waiting area before my flight takes off okay?" Yurio nodded.
As Yuri left the two kissed and Yuri headed down the hall at 4:30 in the morning and the only clothes on his body were too small pj bottoms.

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