12. Dreams can f u up

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Song of the chapter: sleep - My Chemical Romance

Also this chapter has a trigger warning so be careful
"Bye Makkachin! Be a good boy when I'm gone okay?" Victor told the dog patting him gently. "Victor we are going to miss our flight if we don't hurry" Yuri said opening the door. "I'm coming he says standing up. The two exited the hot springs and waved before getting into the car to go to the airport. "Victor, you know I don't like airports so I want to get there early." Yuri said as the car headed down the road. "Sorry, I know you're nervous." Victor laughs and runs a hand through Yuri's hair.
Yuri and Victor got on the plane safely and were up in the air when the fear really started to set in. Yuri had the window seat and Victor was next to him. "Yuri do you want something to drink" Victor asked him. "I just want to sleep." Yuri said as he didn't get much sleep the past night. "Yeah I should sleep too." Yuri closed his eyes and felt Victor lean into him. He smiled as he fell asleep.

"Where am I?" Yuri said frantically looking around. "What do you mean? You're getting ready for the most important day of your life." A voice said and Yuri realised it was his sister Mari. "Wait, what is the most important day of my life?" He asked confused on how he got where he was. "It's your wedding day! How do you not remember this Yuri" she said looking at him. "Im getting married? What is going on?" Yuri asked himself. "No go on little bro everyone is waiting for you" she said before hugging Yuri. Mari exited to what Yuri thought was the aile. Yuri turned and his mom was waiting for him. Her eyes were watering as she smiled. "I'm so proud, now come in Yuri." She said and they got ready to leave. The doors opened and Everything froze. The scene changed and it was all black. "Hello Yuri" a voice said it was cold and sad but it was familiar. Yuri turned and say a man in a hooded cloak. Yuri couldn't see the man's face "who are you" he asked stepping closer to the man. "I'm you" the man took and a slightly older Yuri was opposite of him. "What the-" "You're dreaming" he said and stepped closer. Yuri realised what he really saw. His older self. "Look who I've become thanks to you Yuri," Yuri's older self started to fade and cuts and bruises formed on his body. "What happened to you?" Yuri asked. "You do not need to know, what you need to know to chose you decisions wisely Yuri, or you will end up like me, dead. He pulled and his sleeves and blood poured from his wrists. "I killed myself?" Yuri asked. "No Yuri your thoughts killed you self I was already dead, but my body wasn't. Chose the right decision Yuri and you will not end up like me" The older Yuri disappeared and Yuri stood alone shaking.

"Yuri!" "What, What?" Yuri's eyes opened and he saw Victor. "You started shaking and crying, I couldn't wake you up." Victor wrapped his arms around Yuri. "Don't scare me like that again" Victor said moving his head so it was inches away from Yuri's. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened" Victor kissed Yuri and held him tighter. "I love you Victor." Yuri said letting go Victor smiled "I love you too, Yuri."

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