7. Yuri gets drunk... again

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SOTC: beast - Mia Martina

Yuri was shaking. What was about to go down he didn't want to happen. Yuri actually hated being drunk as he had no control of what goes on and the next day he has no recollection on what had occurred the past night.
But here he was, being dragged to a bar by his boyfriend to prove his love, something that Yuri didn't have.
They entered the bar and they sat down "what would you like?" The man running the bar asked the two. The bar was basically empty so it was certain
That he was talking to the Yuri's. "I will have a sprite please and get him a coffee spiked with Jameson's please." Yurio speaks before him. "Now Yuri, we have some things we need to discuss" He says after the other man walks away. "What?" Yuri says as he looks at the door longingly wishing that a certain someone would come through like a superhero and save Yuri from the hell he was brought to.
"Well first, I want you to back to Russia with me and ditch Victor being your coach." Yuri's mouth drops. He couldn't leave, he didn't want to leave and not have Victor be his coach? That was too far. Yurio could ruin his personal life but not his skating career.
"No" he says firmly hoping it will sink in. "What do you mean no? You're my boyfriend and you do what I say. Got it?" Yurio also slaps Yuri to add effect to the situation. "Yuri, I should be able to make my own decisions it's my life!" Yuri says angrily.
The drinks arrive and Yurio picks up the coffee. "Drink this." He hands over the coffee and Yuri just looks at it. "I said drink it, are you deaf?" Yurio slaps Yuri across the face. Yuri slowly took a sip. It was disgusting. The coffee itself was fine but he felt like he was drinking all of his mistakes. But he kept drinking it until the drink was down.
He put the cup down and looked at Yurio. He hadn't even touched his drink. "Sir, can you get vodka please?" Yurio asks and the man nods.  "That wasn't too bad, was it?" He asked Yuri grabbing his chin pinching it slightly. This reminded Yuri of Victor, except his touch was kind and caring when Yurio's was rough and angry. "No" Yuri said quietly that only the two could hear. "Good, now your vodka is here and I want you to drink every last drop of it, right now." He says handing the drink to Yuri.
Yuri thought he was going to throw up. He slowly brought the drink up to his face and just chugged it. He just wanted this day to be over but it was going by painfully slow and he was right halfway through he stood up and ran to the bathroom.
He threw up and after sat on the floor. The alcohol had taken effect and Yuri felt incapable to move.
Yurio soon after entered the bathroom and picked Yuri up from the armpits. "Come on Yuri, you're stronger than that." Yurio shakes him and they walk back to the bar. The rest of the time went by faster as Yuri drank more and more until he was telling jokes to the man at the bar that only made sense to Yuri.
"Sir Can I have the check please?" Yurio asks the waiter as Yuri had started to get odd looks from everyone else that was at the restaurant/bar. "Guess what?" Yuri says to Yuri rocking back and forth. "Yes Yuri?" "I like" he stops "never mind" he smiles and stands up. Yurio quickly signs the check and they exit the bar. Yuri nearly got ran over by a car 3 times by the time they got back to the hot springs.
"Yuri you have to finish the promise you made earlier." Yurio said as Yuri tried to walk to the hot springs. It was late in the night where everyone else was asleep.
"Oooohhhh yeh" he says before heading up to his room. Yurio quickly wrote a do not disturb sign and hung it up on the door before he entered the room to join Yuri.

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