8. Victor is a gay superman

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SOTC: Counting stars one republic

Victor sat wide awake in his bed. He knew that the Yuri's went out that night and it worried him. He didn't give two shits about Yurio but he was worried for Yuri. Victor knew something was wrong when they were talking earlier that day and it was shown that Yurio wanted to do something that Yuri didn't want to take part of.
That plus the crying showed it was definitely an unhealthy relationship and Victor wanted to help Yuri. Victor wanted to hold Yuri in his arms and promise him that Yurio couldn't lay a finger on Yuri as long as Victor was around. Victor then decided that. He knew that Yuri was afraid and Victor was going to stand up for Yuri and save him from the hell he had been dragged into.
Victor then thought why. Why did he care so much about this boy? It was love and Victor knew it. He had fallen for the small troubled boy who just wanted to be loved and Victor wanted to be that person. His thoughts came to a screeching halt when he heard two people enter. Yuri. Victor stood up and got ready to go see him when he heard steps. The footsteps were off. Yuri was drunk. Oh no.
He knew what was going to happen next. Yuri's footsteps went across the room and into his room. Soon after Yurio's steps followed and entered the same room. Victor thought again is he should do this but then he heard a scream. Yuri's scream. Whatever was going on Victor was going to stop. He quietly entered the hall when he heard more screams and crying "shut the fuck up!" Yurio said through the door. "I don't want to do this!" Yuri yelled back.
"Well sucks for you!" Victor ran down the hallway and burst through the door. Yuri was lying in the floor bloody and bruised also crying. Victor ran over to Yuri and held the fragile boy. "What the fuck did you do?" He yelled as Yuri stopped crying "Vvvictor" "yes Yuri I'm here you're going to be okay." "Now what the hell did you do to Yuri?" Victor asked again clearly angry. "He was being pissy so I put him in his place." Yurio says flipping his hair back clearly not ashamed of what he did to Yuri.
"You are a sick little shit Yurio, Yuri didn't do anything to hurt you but you take out all of your anger on him?" Victor looked down at Yuri who was now sleeping in Victor arms and smiled knowing this was the right thing to do. "Tomorrow at the crack of dawn I want your ass out of here and if you're not I will gladly kick the fucking shit out of you."
Victor says before standing up going back to his room with Yuri.
Victor was afraid of Yuri's state and lightly woke him up "Victor?" "Yuri you're hurt I need to bring you down to the hot springs so hold on tight and don't let go okay?" He nods and they head to their destination.
Coffee, Coffee Victor went to the fridge and grabbed the first coffee he saw. "Yuri, drink this. It will get the alcohol out of your system." Yuri drinks it and they get to the hot springs.
Victor didn't bother and just went in with clothes on. Yuri finished the coffee and Victor began to wash the blood off. "Yurio was such an asshole" he said to himself as he washed the cuts and bruises.
"Victor?" Yuri asked the alcohol's effects fading. "Yes Yuri?" "I love you" the words made Victor smile bigger than he had ever had before. "I love you too, Yuri." Victor said washing away the blood and worries the two had.

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