2. Drunks and man soup

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Song of the chapter: A love like war - All Time Low
2 weeks later
The skating season had just finished and as thought, Yuri had a crushing defeat leading in last. Yurio, who was now Yuri's boyfriend, didn't do much better which was thought as this was his first year competing for the Grand Prix Final.
But at this time he had to go to some shitty party for all the skaters with Yurio and Phichit. Now, he really didn't want to go to this party especially with the final ranking he got. But he exited the hotel to go to the party anyway.
"Yuri!!!" Phichit yelled his name as he arrived at the party. He walked over and Yurio immediately hands him a drink with a kiss.
Yuri looked around and spotted no other than Victor Nikifolov, Yuri's idol and winner of this year's Grand Prix Final which was not a shock. Nobody knows if he will stay for another year of skating or if he will retire but  some say he already has choreographed routines for next year.
"Yuri," Yurio says taking my attention away "why don't who stop looking at Victor and focus on your boyfriend whose trying to talk to you." He says causing Yuri's face to turn red "sorry, I didn't know you were talking to me." Yuri frowns before taking another sip of his drink.
It had been a few hours and by then the party had just begun. Now Yuri and Chris the silver medalist of this year was pole dancing together and Phichit was filming the whole thing. Also by this time most of the coaches and guests had left for the night leaving a bunch of gay drunk figure skaters to do whatever they wanted.
It was so crazy 'man soup' could occur and they had no water. After a while Yuri walked over to Victor no longer nervous from all the alcohol in his system and hugged him. In the background Yurio immediately got mad and started walking to a very drunk Yuri.
"Victor! Please become my coach next year" Yuri pleaded still hugging victor. Victor thought this was adorable and couldn't help but smile. "Okay, Yuri I promise to be your coach next year" Victor says with a smile feeling his heart warming. He didn't know why but this was different, Victor had dated plenty of people before but it was almost love at first sight. "Give me my fucking Boyfriend Victor." Yurio hisses at Victor grabbing Yuri viciously.
"Sorry that your boyfriend is drunk and likes me more." Victor said smirking. "Shut up or I'll wipe that smirk clean off your face" Yurio hissed and looked at Yuri. "Vvvvictooorrr" he whines like a sad puppy wanting his owner.
"Yuri, were going to my hotel" Yurio says holding Yuri from under the armpits. Victor frowns at the scene, poor Yuri doesn't know what's going on at the moment.
"Yakov, Me and Yuri are going to the hotel and I don't want to be disturbed at all. Got it?" "Yeah, okay" Yakov said and the two exited and Victor frowned one last time as if the life of the party had just vanished.

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