4. Yurio needs to be patient

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Song of the chapter: Duality -
Set it Yeah Off

Yuri had finished packing his things and arrived at the airport. He was happy to finally go back to Japan to see his family his dog Vicchan, and the cherry blossoms that welcomed anyone to Japan.
But that came to a jolting stop as he entered the airport. He didn't really want to go back, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He wanted to keep skating but he wanted to retire. Yuri entered the airport and passed through security leaving him and his back pack when his phone rang.
Yuri entered the bathroom and locked the stall to gain at least a bit of privacy "hello?" He whispered not knowing who it is. "Yuri it's me" Yuri's mom had called. "What's up?" "I got
Bad news" Yuri instantly worried but maybe his flight job just got delayed or something.
"Yuri, Vicchan has passed." Yuri was shocked tears made their way up and onto his face "oh" his says loss of words. "I'm sorry honey but I have to go we're at the vet now but I'll see you soon okay?" "Okay" Yuri hung up. Tears erupted from his face and they don't seem to stop. Yuri finally stops most of his tears and unlocks the stall.
In a flash of seconds the door was kicked open and a very angry Yurio is on the other side.
"You, Asshole!" He yells pointing at Yuri. "What?" He asks confused. "You said you would meet me out in the waiting area" "oh sorry, I just forgot." He looks down. "I was waiting for 20 minutes Yuri, and I came in here to find you crying?" Yurio lifts Yuri's chin so they make eye contact.
"I'm really sorry Yuri, my dog died and I don't know if I should keep skating or not and..." Yurio's hand glazed across Yuri's face like a sharp knife. "Shut the fuck up and stop crying." He says slapping Yuri again. Yuri's eyes water but he wipes the tears from his eyes still stunned from the slap.
Yuri walks slowly to the bathroom mirror and froze when he saw that there was a large handprint that ran across his face. "What are we going to do about this?" Yuri asks fear lacing his words. "Put your hand over it so no one can see it, stupid." Yuri paused for a second but asked it anyway "Yurio why did you slap me? I don't think boyfriends do that to each other." "I did it to knock some sense into you," Yurio says shifting his feet. "Now let's go" Yurio grabs Yuri's free hand and they walked out.
Victor was waiting in line for the flight back to Russia when the Yuri's exited the bathroom. Victor instantly frowns as Yuri's face is shown. He had a sweater paw covering part of his face, the part of his that could be seen was red as if he had been slapped and his steps were off.
Yurio, Victor immediately thought. "Did he do this to Yuri? Why was he crying? Should I say something?" These questions plagued him as he didn't know what do. "They got closer and Yurio got in line. "Yuri, are you okay?" Victor asks noticing lines- no a handprint being covered.
Yuri doesn't answer with words but his eyes start to water. Yurio wraps his arms around Yuri and whispers something in his ear before Yuri finally walks away still covering his face. "You need to mind your own shit, Victor."
Yurio said venom in the words before walking to Yakov. Victor looked at Yuri one last time his small figure almost begging for Some sense of love and care, things Victor wished he could give Yuri but couldn't  make the gold medalist feel so useless in a time of matter.

It hadn't been too long when the video was uploaded. The video of Yuri skating the same routine that Victor had won gold for. It it was on point. the routine had been recorded and posted on YouTube and this caused so much conversation that it shone a light to Victor that he should keep the promise he had made and become Yuri's coach.
But even more Victor wanted to show how much of an asshole Yurio really was.
Now Victor was on the plane to Japan looking out the small window his seat gave him. He also wished not to be disturbed because he didn't want to break his thought process so he could think of ways to prove himself right. "At this time we will be landing the flight so we hope you enjoyed the flight and we hope to see you soon." Victor moved away from the window mind still blank from not being able to think right.
A few moments after the plane hit the ground and Victor made his way off the plane and thought the airport. After the long haul he finally made it to Japan. A light snow was falling nothing like what he got in Russia and the snow added a soft hint to it all. Victor decided to not take a taxi and instead enjoy the walk to the hot springs, which was the area that Yuri lived in.
Victor walked slowly enjoying every moment before he arrived to his destination. By this time the snow had picked up and Victor was happy that Yuri's home had hot springs.
Victor knocked on the door of the hot springs not really knowing what to do especially at an early time like this. The door slowly open to show an older lady "have I seen you before?" She asks. "Hi! I'm Victor Nikifolov, this year's gold medalist of the Grand Prix Final" Victor smiled and she smiled back "I have seen you before, you're that guy on tv!" She let Victor inside. "Oh it's freezing you should go to the hot springs" she points over and Victor thanked her and tells her that when Yuri wakes up tell him he has a guest in the hot Springs.
It hadn't been much later when Yuri had woken up and 'talked' to Victor. He was shocked but after being told that victor was going to be his coach he ran away mumbling about him and Yurio.
Yuri sat in his room when a text came in.

Yurio: what the fuck? You let Victor come to Japan before your boyfriend!!???

Yuri: It's not like that!!! I swear he just kind of showed up.

Yurio: I'm coming

Yuri: what?

Yurio: I'm coming to Japan and be ready for when I do Yuri.

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