9. Stupid famous russian figure skaters

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Song of the chapter: Better than revenge- Taylor Swift

Yurio was pissed. Matter of fact he was beyond pissed. He finally had the perfect plan and Victor had to just go and fuck it all up. Victor took him faster than you could say "sabotage". Yurio. walked down the road looking over the horizon the sun just rising. He frowned as he stopped at the dock that led to the sea. Yurio needed a plan. He needed a plan to get Yuri back. He needed a plan to get rid of Victor. That idiot who looks at life like it's a party and he's on the list.
He deeply hated Victor now, but he knew he couldn't kill Victor successfully and not get caught.
Yurio sat down and pulled off his hood. The wind started to pick up and Yurio's hair gracefully blew off his shoulders. The wind to most would too cold for sitting at the beach. But Yurio was Russian, so it felt like a warm breeze rather than a cold one.
But the Yurio didn't care about the weather as he was confused still partially frozen from the earlier events that had occurred. He never saw it coming, and on top of that he didn't even get the last word, just a push out the door. It felt like the last bit of love he had disappeared when he left the hot springs.
Yurio was determined to get that love back, one way or another. Now, he could just move on, find new love to keep. But he didn't want that. He didn't want to find someone else. He wanted Yuri. Yurio couldn't even of dating anyone else. Because he really did love Yuri, he just was terrible at love.
"I underestimated just who I was dealing with" Yurio screamed breaking the silence, a silence that no longer felt welcoming to him. Yurio stood up and screamed. "I lost everything because of one stupid famous Russian figure skater" Yurio started walking away from the beach. Victor underestimated just who he was stealing from, and Yurio was going to clarify that because Yurio might lost that love but no matter what, he was going to get Yuri back,for good.
Yurio smiled at that thought and headed to the airport.
"love is like a game and I never lose games."

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