13. Even Victor has angst

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SOTC: I walk the line - Halsey

Yuri stood worried about the skate. Yesterday was fine as he had much practice but he was worried for he had not been practicing his free skate as much. Yuri was also freaking out as Victor had given him the cold shoulder after he shot down a fellow skater, Minami who was a big fan of Yuri, and to be honest it kind of creeped him out. "Yuri, Come on" Victor said in a cold voice clearly still mad. Yuri shrugged it off and walked out without saying a word to him.
Yuri entered the arena and found a quiet space away from everyone. Yuri laced his skates and he took out his phone. Yuri looked through his contacts and stopped at Yurio's. He contemplated calling him but decided against it knowing Victor would probably show up out of nowhere and well, that probably wouldn't end well. Yuri kept looking and decided to call Phichit. The phone rang twice before someone picked up. "Hello?" "Hey, Its Yuri" Yuri said into the phone. "Yuri! How's it going?" Phichit asked him. "Eh, I'm about to perform my free skate and I just wanted to talk to someone." Yuri said suddenly seeing how hurt his voice was, or just how hurt he was. "What about Victor? Can't you talk to him?" He said. "Victor, he's doesn't want to talk to me right now" "aw that sucks man but I gotta go to practice but good luck at your free skate" Phichit said.  "Yeah I'll see you soon" "bye!" The phone hung up and Yuri didn't feel any better about what had happened. If anything, he felt fucked up and alone. Yuri stood up and walked out. "Yuri!" Voices called out for interviews and for opinions but Yuri walked away ignoring them all. He walked to the ice for his warm up and went on. "Yuri!" A voice called. "Oh god" Yuri looked behind him as no other than Minami skated up to him. "Hey" Yuri said trying not to scream and skate away as fast as his legs could take him. "So, are you excited for today?" Minami asks smiling. "More or less" Yuri lies. "You seem excited" "I am! Will you watch my free skate, Yuri-kun?" He asks extremely hopeful. "Know what, I will try my very best Minami" Yuri smiles and Minami hugs him "I thought you were gonna say no! I will do my best Yuri-kun!" Minami let's go and skates off the ice. Yuri does another lap before also getting off the ice. Yuri walked off the ice when a pair of arms went around him. It was Victor. Yuri shaked him off and turned around. "So once I be nice to someone you act like nothing happened and like you didn't ignore me almost all of yesterday and all of today?" Victor looks shocked at the statement. "Not cool, Victor. You might have a way to keep mean your side, but that's because you're mine, and I walk the line." Yuri then walked away from Victor to stretch.
Yuri had finished stretching and he sat on the floor. To be honest Yuri didn't even feel a pang of guilt for giving Victor the cold shoulder. "He's going to have to try harder if he wants my heart so bad" "Attention at this time please take your seats the free skate is about to begin." The announcement rang though Yuri's head and he walked out to watch Minami go on.
It was good for Minami's age and Yuri was actually impressed.  Yuri looked down and momentarily closed his eyes. "Yuri" a voice called out so vague it hurt to try to figure out who it was. Yuri opened his eyes and looked around. "Where's Victor?" He asked one of the nearby coaches. "He probably couldn't take the stress," one said laughing "I don't know or care" another said "he seemed upset earlier" one added on before they all laughed. "Victor thinks he can do whatever he wants, but coaching is hard to do" they all laughed again. "I asked where he was not for your opinion and I think Victor would love to hear that from me" Yuri said walking away. Yuri went out to the concession area and spotted Victor. "Victor?" Yuri asked when Victor walked over. "Sorry about well, everything" Victor said looking down. "It's okay, Victor I'm just nervous and being given the cold shoulder by someone that you love hurts." Yuri said looking down memories of Yurio stinging in his brain. A pair of arms wrapped around Yuri. "I'm sorry, Yuri I shouldn't have pushed you away like that, I just try my hardest not to think about what you have gone through." "Hey, all is forgiven now come on I'm going to be on soon." Yuri started to leave but Victor held back. "You look adorable in this lighting" Victor said laughing before kissing Yuri's forehead and their hands interlocked as they heading back to the ice.

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