19. Dreams can lead to cults

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Song of the chapter: LA Devotee
Panic! At the Disco
I get that not many people read these so I'll put it in capitals:

After hanging up Yuri headed back to his hotel in defeat. He was about to enter when he realised he never got any food. Yuri's stomach growled in reply and Yuri mentally swore before heading back out to get food.
Yuri didn't really give a shit about what to eat so he just got a bag of fast food, which Yuri knew he would regret later with his flight. But Yuri didn't care about the Grand Prix Final, or his weight or really anything at the moment. So Yuri arrived at his room turned on the Tv and ate. And ate. And ate. Yuri flopped over overstuffed but he craved more food and so he ate more until he was hanging over the toilet from consuming so much food in such a small time slot. Yuri threw up but after was hungry again. This cycle continued as Yuri went back out to buy more food.
After throwing up for the sixth time Yuri crawled under the covers and his thoughts drifted off as he fell asleep.

Slight trigger warning btw
Yuri entered the bathroom after a long day and tears fell dripped from his eyes as he looked in the mirror. Yuri had two black eyes for he didn't have his glasses on. Yuri lightly brought his hand to the bruises and noticed a ring. He didn't remember a ring. "Am I married?" Yuri asked himself looking at the ring, silver with small engravings on it. "Get out, I'm not done with you" a voice called but Yuri didn't know whose. "No" Yuri said back leaning against the door and he checked to make sure it was locked. "Don't tell me No, Yuri when we got married you said you would always love me, but this is breaking your vows" the other person spoke angrily and Yuri swore he heard his heart crack. "I guess I loved too hard, and now I'm stuck with someone who has a black heart that matches their blackest soul" Yuri said to himself and more tears came out. "If I have to breakdown this door you are going to get it, now open up!" Yuri whimpered and crouched in front of the door holding it closed even though it had a lock. "Yuri!!!" The voice screamed and the door crashed open. Yuri closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was next to the same man, his older self again. But this time his older self was in a red robe and chains were on his wrists no clue where they ended. Also this time the cloak covered his face and Yuri doubted if it was his older self or now. Yuri looked down and realised his was sitting in a dark room tied down not able to move. A click sound was heard and what seemed to be a film started to play. It was of Himself, Yuri and Yurio. When a voice chimed in. "Yuri's wedding was in no other that LA, under desert skies where they sipped white wine and swam in marvellous pools. The film showed all this all of Yuri's friends but oddly Victor and Yurio were not there, instead to people whose faces could not be seen. But all came to an end and Yuri retired, something he regretted for the rest of his life. He was left at home to do everything and if anything was off, even by the smallest Yuri would get it. But he never learned until he died. The film came to a halt and Yuri frowned confused. "Be careful what you say in LA, because before you know it, you could be in a cult, married or even dead. Think everything out and don't listen what you cannot hear can't hurt you" and with that the figure disappeared and everything faded to black.

Yuri woke up in shock sweaty and alone. Yuri looked over and realised his flight to Barcelona was in 3 hours. Fuck. Yuri got up and stretched and almost immediately felt sick from his earlier food choices. Yuri looked over and saw that it had only been an hour, but the dream stuck in his brain like superglue. Yuri looked over and also seemed to have gotten a text from Victor saying that his flight was delayed due to snow and he would take a flight tomorrow to Barcelona. Yuri frowned and didn't reply tossing his phone on the bed to pack up for his flight to Barcelona.

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