17. Yurio is a Witch

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Song of the chapter: you love I Melanie Martinez

Yuri walked off the ice absolutely crushed. He fell, got lost in the song and forgot what he was doing. The only thing that could save him now was luck and his short program score. Yuri walked out and almost burst into tears. He knew he did bad and it was slowly killing him.
After it being brought up all Yuri could think about was Victor leaving him. he tried to stay calm about it but it was the reason he did so bad. Yuri managed to gather his thoughts and to find Yurio. If anyone could make him feel better he knew Yurio could. Yuri found him with Yakov and the other lady who he didn't know. "Yurio, can I talk to you?" Yuri asked when he got a little closer. All three looked over and Yurio nodded and Yakov gave him the evil eye while the other lady gave a small smile. "What's up? How did your free skate go?" He asked making eye contact with Yuri. "It was so bad. I don't think I will go to the final, Yurio." Yuri said and his eyes watered. "Yuri, I feel like I need to tell you this" Yurio said. "What is it?" Yuri asked a few tears slipping out. "Victor is such an asshole for leaving you like this, I would never do something like that, he is the reason you didn't do good. I'm always here unlike him." Yurio said and Yuri's face twisted in mixed emotions. "I don't know, I did tell him to go." "He probably just was happy that he could get away, he probably is going to take the first chance he gets to go back to Russia and never come back."
"Oh, no" The tears kept coming out and Yurio wiped them away. "Hey, it doesn't matter he never loved you as much as I do because, I still love you Yuri." Yuri smiled through the tears and Yurio gripped Yuri's chin connecting their lips. "Now I have to go and perform my free skate if you want to come" Yurio said and Yuri nodded.

Yurio just finished an almost flawless performance and walked off the ice grabbing Yuri's hand. "Yurio's score showed and they both smiled. "Based on the scores we both get to go the finals!" Yuri yelled and hugged Yurio. "We should celebrate, you wanna go to my favourite restaurant around?" Yurio asked as they exited the rink. "Sure wanna meet back here in a few?" Yurio nodded and the two separated. Yuri pulled out his phone and his phone exploded with messages from Victor.

Victor: hey Yuri the surgery is going good

Victor: Yuri why haven't you replied?

Victor: Yuri I hope you do good I'll be watching you from here

Victor: Yuri please reply

Victor: you did good btw

Victor: Yuri? What is going on? Why did you kiss Yurio? Please answer

Victor: Yuri you need to answer me.

There wasn't anything after that. Yuri didn't answer and he turned his phone back off not wanting anything disrupting his dinner with Yurio.

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