18. Love triangles are trigamonatry

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Song of the chapter: for him Troye Sivan

Yurio stood in his room laughing. What shocked him the most was how easy it was to get Yuri back. Yurio originally was going to have to make up some bullshit plan to get rid of Victor but he was already gone! Yurio zipped his jacket and exited.
They were supposed to meet up at the restaurant around 6 but Yurio wanted to go early. It was getting closer to the holidays and the Grand Prix Final so the weather dropped drastically especially that they were in Russia. Yurio was actually shocked that Yuri almost didn't make it to the Final but he didn't give a shit about the final he had already won gold. It was just wasn't solid.
Yurio walked in silence as usual except the occasional car here and there. It was dusk and the sun was almost down causing the air to grow cold, cold enough for a light snow to fall.
Yurio arrived and waited outside for Yuri. After ten minutes or so Yuri finally showed and the two entered the restaurant. They sat down and ordered drinks. "So, what's up?" Yuri asked not sure what to say. "It doesn't really matter, I'm just still shocked at what Victor did to you" Yurio said shuffling his foot lightly. "He even tried to text me all day, I just don't get why he would text me off the hook if he didn't care." Yuri said looking down.
"He probably just wanted to make it look like he still cared about you." Yurio added as someone came over and they ordered drinks. "We should stop talking about him though and focus on us" Yurio said making direct eye contact with Yuri. "Oh no, are you going to break up with me too?" Yuri said slightly panicked. "Of course not, I just don't know what to do about this" Yurio replied pointing at Yuri then himself. "Well we could be a thing off season I guess. But I don't really know and anyways before anything Victor is still kinda my coach" "well you could fire him" Yurio said a bit sharper than intended. "I can't fire him now, this close to the end of the season" Yuri said taking a sip out of his drink.
"I guess you're right" Yurio said. "Well, after this I could just retire" Yuri said and Yurio looked up almost shocked. "I mean, it would make everything work out right?" Yuri said more to himself than anyone else but Yurio heard it loud and clear. "Are you being serious?" Yurio asked slightly confused. Yuri looked down and his brain went into a daze of what could happen, good and bad if he retired. "I'm sorry, I need to go and clear my head. I'll talk to you later, okay?" Yurio looked up confused as Yuri got up and practically ran out of the restaurant.

"I don't know what to do" Yuri said as he ran outside. "Did Victor really leave me? Do I even trust Yurio? Why does everything have to be so hard?" Yuri asked himself more crazed thoughts filling his brain and as it went they got darker. Yuri shook his head to try to calm down but he realised he was having a panic attack. Yuri took out his phone and powered it on while trying to calm his breaths. The screen went white and it powered on. Yuri had four missed calls three from Victor and one from Mari. Yuri called Victor and the phone rang once before it was picked up. "Yuri, is it you?" The voice said, worried and it pained Yuri.
"Victor, you wouldn't leave me right?" Yuri's voice cracked and Yuri broke down. "Shhh, Yuri calm down and no, why would I leave you?" Yuri continued to cry until there were no more tears to cry. "Victor, when are you coming back?" Yuri asked wiping his tears. "I don't know, I'm most likely going to meet you at the airport and we can fly to Barcelona together."
"Okay, I'll see you then" Yuri said. "I love you, Yuri" Victor answered and Yuri hung up without saying anything back. Yuri walked back to his hotel to pack up to go to Barcelona more confused than ever before.

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