16. Tears or pain

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Song of the chapter: DNA Lia Marie Johnson. Also trigger warning on this chapter I'll put a * at the beginning and end of the trigger warning

Yuri and Victor were walking out of the rink when Yuri's phone rang. "Hello" he said stopping him and Victor. "Yuri, it's Mari, I have bad news Makkachin ate some steamed buns and they got stuck in his throat." Yuri looked up at Victor and told Mari he'd call back later. "Victor, Makkachin ate some buns." Yuri said and Victor frowned. "He might not make it".
"Oh no" he said running his hands through his hair. "Victor, I want you to go" Yuri told him. "But, Yuri I don't know what about it" "Victor, my dog died during last year's Grand Prix final. I didn't go back and I wish I had, this might be the last time to ever see him ever again. You have to go" Yuri looked into Victor's eyes knowing what was coming next.
"I'll be fine don't worry" "okay, but I want you call me twice a day and text me whenever you can" Victor said which made Yuri laugh. "I will, now we have to get back to the hotel.

Yuri woke up freezing. Well of course he would be cold Victor wasn't with him. Not having Him made Yuri feel like a piece of him was missing, a piece that Yuri didn't have for the first 23 years of his life, a piece he never wanted to let go of. But Victor was back in Japan and Yuri had his free skate, which freaked him out knowing if he fails this he won't be making it to the Grand Prix Final. Yuri slowly got up and decided to call Victor.
"Hello?" The voice on the other said definitively Victor. "Hi Victor, it's pork cutlet bowl" he says back giggling. "Oh Hi pork cutlet bowl, I'm Victor" he says laughing too "so how is Makkachin?" He asks hoping the beloved dog will survive. "Oh, I don't know he is going to go into surgery later to try and get the bun out but he might not make it." Victor said sadly.
"I'm sorry, hopefully he'll make it" "and are you good? Have you gotten ready to leave yet?" He asks probably wondering about Yurio.
"Time zones Victor, it's 6 in the morning here," "oh yeah" he giggles "Oh I'm sorry but I have to go Makkachin is about to go into surgery, but we will keep in touch okay?" "Yes Victor" he says before ending the call. Yuri entered the rink alone.
He wished Victor was with him but he didn't care. He was going to do well and show Victor. He walked where the other skaters were warming up but Yurio hadn't arrived yet. He seems awkward and walks away to another room to warm up. "Where's your boyfriend?" Yuri freezes. "Get out Yurio" Yuri says turning around to face him. "Hey, look I just want to talk" Yurio says frowning. "Okay" Yuri sits down and Yurio follows. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry, I made a huge mistake" he looked down. "It's all my fault, I never meant to hurt you, I couldn't help it. It runs in my DNA" Yurio said looking up at Yuri tears starting to form. "What do you mean?" Yuri asked.
A"I never tell anyone this but my dad was abusive to my mother. One day it went too far. My father killed my mother. I try my hardest to not be like him. But as I get older it just shows that it runs in my blood.
I still remember it all. The lights it was so bright. I was up so late that night. I lived with my grandfather for most of my life. I haven't seen my father since." "It's so hard, I'm always trying to hide the truth but it makes everything just hurt more"
"Did you say goodbye?" Yuri asked. "No, whenever he visited me I didn't even say hello, because it ultimately led to be a goodbye". A few tears dripped from Yurio's eyes and it showed Yuri that Yurio wasn't a heartless monster, he just has demons he's constantly fighting, like the rest of us". Yuri told himself as he looked up.
Yuri placed his hand on Yurio's back hoping to comfort him. "I forgive you, Yurio" Yuri said and Yurio looked up.
"Thanks, can I have a hug?" Yurio asked wiping away the tears. "Yeah" they hugged and Yuri held Yurio close. "Is everything okay with you?" Yurio asked and Yuri frowned. "It's kind of cold that this close to the Grand Prix Final Victor left" "yeah I guess so" Yuri replied realised that Victor actually left him this close to the final.
"Well I have to go stretch, but if you need anything I'm here" Yurio said standing up "Okay and good luck I'll see you at warmups I guess" Yuri added, Yurio smiled and exited. Yuri looked at the door longingly and his phone dinged. It was Victor. Yuri shrugged it off and turned his phone off to stretch in a peaceful silence.

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