20. First dreams now hallucinations

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Song of the chapter: Boulevard of broken dreams - Green Day

Victor sat at the airport looking out the window no sign of life due to the heavy amounts of snow that was falling. His was originally at 4 in the morning and Victor had nothing to do so instead of sleeping like a normal person he stayed up all night thinking he would get sleep on the plane ride. But to his dismay it snowed the night before Victor wouldn't get to see Yuri and the Grand Prix was coming fast.
Victor was extremely tired now and if he slept he would miss flight. "Makkachin" Victor called and his big poodle can flopping over like a big brown mop. Victor patted the dog's fur and looked to left to see Yuri next to him "Yuri?" He asked extremely confused on where Yuri came from and why he was here. "What is it Victor, I don't have all day" Yuri said in a cold tone. "Yuri where did you come from?" Victor asked gently "what do you mean? I'm at the airport in Japan, Were going to Russia." Victor shook his head in confusion. "Wait, why?" Victor asked in confusion. "The Grand Prix ended. You're going back because I retired remember?" Yuri looked at him in a serious tone. "No, sorry I'm forgetful" "No shit, you couldn't even remember that me and Yurio got back together" Yuri spat out rudely.
Victor felt as is his insides were falling down on top of his heart. "Y-you did?" Victor asked in a pained tone. "Uh, yeah if we didn't why would I be here? I'm going to Russia to live with Yurio" Yuri said taking his hand out of his jacket. A silver ring glowed in the sun. "He got me this to apologise, you never got me anything like this." Yuri said shaking slightly in anger. "I'm sorry I would if I knew" Victor said water clouding up his eyes. "Go ahead cry, it won't change anything" Yuri added as a final remark before disappearing. Victor looked up and realised he had imagined the whole thing but it still made him worry that something bad was going to happen but just as he did the announcements came on and Victor's flight would continue and he could get in his flight to Barcelona.

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