Part 7

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Chapter 7


Kaito didn't show up to school. Everything seemed so dull and dark. "Yaretzi. Yaretzi." Mrs. Finney woke me up again. "Class is over Yaretzi, you never fall asleep, are you feeling Ok?" She asked.

"Yeah...just sleepy" I gathered my things. "I heard what happened to that why?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm worried about him" I avoided eye contact.

"It's Ok to be worried about someone. I'm so proud of how far you've come into stepping out and expressing those feeling you have for Kaito" Mrs. Finney smiled. "It's not like that Mrs. Finney." I blushed.

"It's cool. I started dating in my sophomore year too" She said. "But we're not dating or anything Mrs. Finney-" I said. "Go and give the boy you love a visit" She winked.

Mrs. Finney has always been the teacher you could talk to and she'd understand, after all she's only twenty-four. But it annoyed me how she kept insisting that I love Kaito.

I would never even dream of it. But I can pay him a visit, it'll be a friendly one.

Mini Time Skip...

I knocked on his door as all kinds of thought were popping up. What if he doesn't feel like having anyone over? What if they aren't home?

Kaito answered the door, "Oh hey Yari, I didn't expect you to come" He blushed. "If you want I can leave" I said embarrassed. "No, I'd like you to stay!" He remarked.

"In that case. I'll be glad to help you with the assignment" I gave him his homework. "Let me guess, Mr. Barns told you to give it to me didn't he?" Kaito muttered.

"Yup. He clearly stated that you can't miss this one" I entered his home. "Make yourself at home. There's apples, oranges, bananas, and pineapple on the table" He pointed.

"Thanks. How are you feeling?" I inquired. "Better than yesterday. I think I'll be able to go back to school tomorrow" Kaito responded.

"Yaretzi can I ask you something?" He mumbled. "Sure. What is it?" I said. "What made you cry yesterday? Why do you care about me so much? What makes you care about me?" Kaito gripped his pencil.

'I knew this question would eventually pop up'...

"I guess I don't really know..." I blushed. "You don't know, eh? I'll take that answer for now, but I want a real answer soon" He focused on his paper.

"I'm glad you're focusing on homework." I stated. "Yeah. But I can't lie, I missed you today" He smirked. "Smirk once more and I'll shove that pencil up your ass!" I shouted.

"I wouldn't mind" Kaito laughed. "Weirdo" I muttered. "If you don't mind I'm getting an apple" I got up from the couch.

"Go ahead" He drawed no attention to me. I grabbed the apple and sat back down. "I'll finish this later you look bored" He set aside his work. "I'd finish while I have the time, but why should I care? I'm not you're mother" I bit into the apple.

"You care about me Yari, you just hide your emotions" He leaned on my shoulder. "Thats funny. Amd get off my shoulder" I complained. "I wish we could just stay like this forever..." Kaito ignored me.

I scowled. There was silence, the only thing that could possibly be heard was me biting into my apple. I noticed the idiot had fallen asleep.

'Dammit, what do I do? Well at least Mom and Dad are still at work'.

I reached into my backpack and wrote in my diary...


  Kaito stayed home from school today and I hat to admit it but I was lonely. Mrs. Finney technically made me come visit Kaito...he's doing pretty well I'd say. I came to his house and here we are on the couch. He's resting on my shoulder sound asleep, I hope he wakes up soon...if I try to pick him up I might hurt him.


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