Part 17

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Chapter 17

Tuesday Morning...

I walked to school as always. Making sure I had my diary in my bag, I smiled at the thought of seeing that beautiful park again.

Once I arrived at school I headed straight to the library to see if Kaito was there. "Goodmorning Yaretzi, here to pick out a new book?" Sentaro asked. "Actually, I was looking for Kaito" I looked at my surroundings.

"I just saw him get to school like a minute ago. Here he comes" Sentaro smiled. I turned around and saw the idiot himself. "Goodmorning Yari, goodmorning Sentaro!- Wait Sentaro?" Kaito's face looked irritated again.

"Calm down Kai, I'm not here to steal your lady-"

"His lady?!" I snapped.

"I was in the library looking for the seventh volume to the manga I'm reading" Sentaro giggled. "Oh...sorry about the misunderstanding, I hope you join me and Yari at lunch today!" Kaito beamed.


"Usually, I prefer to hang out with the high leveled outcasts, but hanging out with lower ranking morons makes me seem less nerdy!" Sentaro snickered. "Who you calling morons?!" I fumed.

'He isn't too far off...'

End Of School Day...

"You should come with me and Yari to the park today" Kaito told Sentaro. His green eyes lit up, "Awesome! I'm sure mother will be happy I've made more friends!". I smiled at them, "You should start hanging out with us more often Sentaro".

"O-Oh, of course I would!" He blushed. Sentaro, Kaito and I all walked down to the park. "I bet your schedule was so busy that you forgot to bring your diary eh?" Kaito teased.

Without saying anything I proved him wrong by pulling my diary out of my bag. "I'm surprised you haven't stressed out lately, after all, it's the last huge test we'll have this year" Kaito layed on the grass.

"I haven't really been studying for it..." I said. Sentaro giggled again, "You shouldn't stress yourself anyway, it'll only make things harder on you". "I guess you're right, but if I put no work into it then how will I improve?" I asked.

"I'm not good with these kinds of things..." Kaito sighed. "It's not like I was asking for advice" I furrowed my eyebrows. "It was sort of implied" Sentaro said.

I ignored their presence and soaked in all the beauty that there was to see. I felt my whole body go weak as my surroundings were disappearing. Sentaro and Kaito turned into ashes and I was on one of the sky's clouds.

The sky was a bright shade of pink and my eyes were closed, I could still see everything.

"Yari? Yari?" Kaito flicked my forehead. "What the hell Kai! You just ruined my daydream!" I hissed. "The ice cream truck is over there, Sentaro and I want some. We can get you one if you want" Kaito said.

"I'll go with. Do both of you have money?" I reached into my bag. "Awww, Yari's gonna buy us ice cream!" Sentaro blushed. "No I'm not. I was just asking" I scowled.


~Diary Time~ ^_^


Not too many things happened but u did make a pretty cool boy. Sentaro was the boy who confessed his feelings for me the other day. Although I'm sure he's not completely over me, it was very fun hanging out with both Kai and him. It also seems I get angry quite a bit :/


And so the three morons continued to hang out...

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