Part 41

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Chapter 41


3:52 am

I was coming back from the bathroom. Kaito was sound asleep laying in my bed. Before you get suspicious, he spent the night because he forgot his key at work.

(A/N) Totally not a coincidence, Kaito...😑😒

I kept my distance from that pervert Kaito. Which honestly wasn't much, considering the fact that my bed isn't big.

"Mhmm...muff...bsh..." Kaito mumbled.

'I guess he talks when he's sleeping'

"Mmm...Yari...Stop...It...doesn't...feel...right" He moved around in the covers.

'What doesn't feel right? What am I doing in his dream?!'

I tried to go back to sleep and ignore him but he kept saying weird shit and kicking me. "Kaito!" I snapped. "'s four in the morning Yari, go to bed" He mumbled.

"You go to bed dammit! You keep kicking me!" I hissed. "Sheesh...there's people in this apartment who want to sleep, keep it down" Kaito hugged the sheets.

"That's it I'm going to sleep on the couch" I thundered out of the room.

6:15 am

I was making something for us to eat. "I appreciate you doing all of this for me" Kaito buttoned his shirt. "Be glad I even let you within a meter of my house" I said.

"Look. Now you've got your tie all messed up" I crumbled my eyebrows. I pulled him by the collar down to my level. "Take it easy, you'll rip it" Kai blushed.

I fixed his tie. "Thanks mom" He snickered. "Hurry and eat, you'll be late" I pushed him. Kai hit me with a smile. I ignored his gentle grin and went to my room.

"Did I really let that idiot sleep in my bed?" I whispered. "Yes." He smirked. "! How'd you-? But just a second ago-" I quickly turned around.

"Sorry I forgot to make your bed for you" He neatly made my bed. "Well...whatever" I crossed my arms.


10:38 pm

"Do you mind telling me why I saw Mr. Yumika walk out of your apartment this morning?" Kaori eyed me. I wanted to scream.

I sighed, "He left his key at work, I decided to let him sleep over for the night".

"Man...I remeber when me and Miyamoto had our first time. I was around twenty so I'd say twenty-six is kind of a late age to lose your virginity" She giggled.

"We didn't do anything." I explained, "But he did ask me out yesterday". "YARI! Did you say yes?!" Kaori's eyes widened with excitement. "Well, no, because it feels wrong to date your best friend" I remarked.

"Love from your best friend is the most beautiful love there is!" Kaori chimed. I said nothing. "Kaori, leave Yaretzi alone and get back to work" Kariko bluntly said.

"Ah! Yes sir..." She slouched back to her desk.

4:21 pm

'Mmm...that's strange...Kaito usually always comes around three'

"The rest of you can leave, that goes for both you chatter boxes too" Kariko casually said. I sighed knowing he was talking about me and Kaori. "Well! I'm off to my date with Miyamoto!" She happily said.

"I noticed Kaito didn't come by around your break this time" The fairly tall man spoke as we both watched Kaori leave. "Yeah, I'm guessing he had to stay a bit later" I organized my belongings.

He responded with nothing as my other coworkers left in silence. "He really is a lucky man to have such a beautiful young lady by his side all the time" Kariko cracked a slight smile.

"Just when I thought you were the only person who wouldn't say that" I voiced. "I better get going, have a good rest of your day sir" I added.

"You as well, Yaretzi" Was the last thing heard before I stepped into the elevator.


I noticed that my door was unlocked. I thought some criminal broke in so I jerked the door open. "Hello sweetheart" Kaito smirked. "What the hell are you doing here again!?" I sneered.

"I don't know why you're so mad ab-"

"You don't just break into my home like that!"

"If it makes you feel better I brought some of my mom's birthday cake" He nervously laughed. "It was your mom's birthday today?" I suddenly calmed down.

"But thats not the reason I'm here" Kai turned the lights down.

"Ah, why did you-"

He picked me up bridal style. "Put me down you pervert!" I roared. He sniffed me. "Why are you so sweaty, Yari? Your hair is sticking to your neck. Do I turn you on?". "You damn idiot! Shut your mouth!" I thundered.

Once we made our way to my room I knew what was occurring. "You're blushing, it's quite amusing" He pulled away a few hairs from my neck. Kai had me sitting down on the bed whilst he stood up.

"You like me doing these things to you, am I correct?" Kai said. I could feel his arms gently caressing me. "I..." I hesitated.  Thunder was going on in the background.

My hands gripped on the sheets. "Ravish me" He smirked. His hands touching every inch of my body. "Can you seduce me for once?" Kaito bluntly asked.

"I...don't exactly know how to..." I confessed. He grunted. I couldn't see much of him since the lights were off and the curtains only let in a little bit of light.

'He sounds a bit annoyed...should I do something?'

I unbuttoned both of our shirts.

"If you don't leave by at least tomorrow I'm calling the police" I tried not to look at him. "Even better..." Kaito did that evil laugh. "You have serious problems, you know that?" I said. "Touch me" He put my hand on his chest.

"You moron let my hand go!"

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