Part 20

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Chapter 20


The whole hall was filled with chatters of whatever.

"Did you hear Kaito has a girlfriend now? I wonder how Yaretzi feels"

"Wait. I thought Kaito and Yaretzi were already dating?"

"No you idiots. She's a new student, but come to think of it they have been hanging out all morning, and her mood is so different without him"

A certain conversation caught my attention...

'Kaito? Having a girlfriend? I wondered why he left so early last night...'

I walked into the library and saw a girl next to Kaito. She's...gorgeous.... "Yaretzi! Hey you've got to meet Zai, she's new here at Silverleaf High!" Kaito waved at me as I walked towards them. "Hello. I'm Yaretzi Uki, I'm really good friends with Kaito" I spoke softly.

'I honestly thought it was a little stupid to enroll in a school at the end of the year. We only have like a month of school left'

"Oh is this, your girlfriend Kaito?" Zai smiled at me. "No! Uh, sorry- but no, I'm not his girlfriend!" I stuttered. "Awww, you wouldn't believe how many times he brought up your name!" She patted the side of my shoulder.

I blushed and looked down at my feet. "I'll see both of you later today!" Zai excused herself. "Okay! See you next period!" Kaito beamed and blushed.

'He's blushing, does he like her? Hey where the hell is Sentaro?'

"Where's shorty? He's usually in the library looking for a book" I giggled. "He left to the bathroom just before you came" Kaito said. "That girl seems nice" I tried making a conversation.

'Kaito was a today, he was acting funny...'

"She is. As I've said before, I feel like I know her so much. She loves everything I like" He blushed. "You're blushing" I point out. He turns his head, "It's hot it here that's why". "You have feelings for Zai don't you?" I teased him.

Kaito blushes even harder and ignores me. "C'mon? You're blushing and saying how great she is!" I grabbed his shoulders and shook him around. "I haven't even known her for a month, give me a month and I'll think of something." He smiled.

"Good. I'll see you at the end of the day Kai" I ruffled his hair. Just as I was leaving the library I felt a small tug on my sweater. "Thanks for the pep talk, Yari" Kaito chimed.


End of School Day...

As I walked out of my last class I saw Kaito talking to Zai, with Sentaro beside him. Both grinning as always. "Hey guys, ready to leave?" I asked in a casual tone. "Awesome! It's Ok to bring Zai along with right?" Kaito gave me his puppy eyes.

"Of course! It's gonna be awesome to add her to the group" I threw away my gum wrapper. "That far? You don't want me to join in!" Zai giggled. "Why the hell not? You seem like such a nice girl" I smiled.

"Just beware her. She gets a little hectic, I don't know what's happened but she's usually scolding me and Sentaro here!" Kaito slapped Sentaro on the back.


We all laughed, "We should show Zai the mall" I suggested. "Back home I always went to the mall with my friends!" She squealed.


"Here Zai, I got you this necklace, you said you liked 'Legend of Zelda' right?" Kaito handed her a shiny silver necklace. "It's beautiful Kaito!" She blushed. Kaito stretches his hand to scratch the back of his neck.



A new student came to our school. Kaito seems to have a little crush on her. I'm not gonna lie, she is very pretty and nice. I really hope he gets somewhere with her.

~ Yaretzi

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