Part 22

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Chapter 22

Sunday Night at the Festival...

We sat on one of the picnic tables. "I hope you can stay for the fireworks Zai, it'd really make me happy" Kaito said. "I don't know, but let's have fun right now instead of sitting here" She cupped his face.

"I don't think I can stay either. I wouldn't want to get in the way of anything" I let my hair drape down over my face.

"Yari you don't have to g-" Kaito walked to me and grabbed my hand.

"Let me go, Kaito." I snatched my hand out of his grasp. "Please...we'd like you to stay" Zai rubbed my back. "As much as I'd like to stay. I can't tolerate it any longer" I continued to walk. "You two can head to the fireworks, I'll handle this one. After all she's, family" Kaito said.

"Don't take long" Sentaro smiled and left with Zai. Kaito followed me without saying a word. When I was about to open the door Kaito closed it and took my keys. "I'm not playing games Kai, give them back!" I hissed.

"I'm not either. Can't you see the expression on my face? It means I don't care" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Please just give them back" I didn't realize it but I was crying.

"Don't cry" Kaito softly whispered in my ear. "Stop it. You're being weird again" I pushed him away. "I wanna go home" I sniffed. "Just hear me out for once...If I wanted to be with Zai I could've told her" Kai said.

"When I truly like someone I don't stumble on my words and take things slowly. I'm done talking now, you can go home" He gave me my keys. "Why do you lie so much?" I clenched my jaw.

"I'm not lying-"

"Yes you are!" I tried to punch him, "You piss me off so much, I've cried because of you, I've been up all night because of you, I'm the wreck I am right now because of you! Why do you do this...".

Kaito's eyes were so wide it looked as if they would pop out any second. "You're not too different. I've held all my feelings back because of you" He said still grabbing my hands.

I snatched my hands away. Again. I blushed. "You're the only girl
I can talk to normally, without stumbling on my words or making a fool of myself" Kaito cupped my face, "I consider myself lucky to have you Yaretzi".

I stared into his dark eyes, they glistened within the small sunset light. "Do me a favor and make this a good night for us?" He got closer. "You're the only person who makes me cry, laugh, and pisses me off so bad" I cried.

"I'm glad" Kaito blushed and pressed his lips against mine as the fireworks went off.

'Kaito's the only person that makes me feel so bipolar. He's shown me so many things in life. Without him I don't think I would've ever made it this far in life...Thank you Kaito Yumika'

As we passionately kiss under the fireworks Zai and Sentaro start to clap. "Finally!" Sentaro sighs. "Are you two a thing?" Zai curiously asked. Kaito immediately pulled away from me, as so did I.

"Eh! How long have you guys been here?!" I blushed. Kaito laughs, "Just enjoy the fireworks for now, we can discuss it tomorrow" He pulls me closer to him. At first I was shy and wanted him to let go but I got used to it and felt the warmth of his presence.



I went to the festival today. I had a little bit of a meltdown, but my knight in shining armor came and showed me a little something called a...KISS!

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