Fitting in

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**City's POV**
Rick says " Last question. How can you help this group."

I say " Well, I can hunt, take guard, cook, clean, wash clothes, go on runs, shoot almost anything, and I can help with that there baby. Is that enough cause I'm sure I can think of more."

Rick says " No that's enough. You will have to share a cell with my son. That's the only one left open. Is that okay?"
I nod and hand him the gun bag that was on my back. I look at Carl who is walking off. I fallow him to our cell.

I say " witch bed is yours?"

He says " top. Sit down for a minute."
I sit on my bed and look at him.

He says " Your beautiful. Could ya tell me about yourself?"
I'm kind of puzzled. No one ever likes the redneck. Never. That's something new to me.

I say " well what do you want to know?"

He says " favorite color, favorite meat, favorite movie, full name, age, birthday, eye color, hair color, family, and what you like the most."

I say " well, blue, anything, I have no idea, City Marie Dixon, 15, August 9,
I don't really know, brown, Merle and Daryl, and I like necklaces. Heart ones to be exact."

He says " Lean in and show me your eyes. I wanna know what they look like."
I lean in and hold my eyes open. I sit here and do that for like 3 minutes.

I say " how long does it take for you to see what color my eyes are."

He says " I knew what color they were when you opened them. I just like your eyes. There very pretty."
I look him in the eyes for a minute and realize, that he likes me. Oh my gosh. We can't date Merle would kill him in a heartbeat. I can't have that happen. I look away and stare and my hands. He puts his hands under my chin and lifts my face up, so my eyes meet his. He leans in and kisses me. I can't help but kiss back. We both turn our heads when we hear someone clear their voice.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now