Meeting everyone.

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**City's POV**
I snap out of my thoughts when people start walking in and looking at me.
A brown headed girl says " Who are you?"
I say " Hi, I'm City Dixon. The sister of Merle and Daryl. Who are you guys?"
some guy says " oh crap there's 3 of them. You have to be kidding me. This girl could be our death role."
He's in a police uniform along with Rick. They must be cops.
I say " Hey watch your mouth. I gotta name and I expect you to use it or I will make sure I'm your death role."
He mumbles something.
I say " listen here Mr.nice guy. You got something to say to me? Cause I ain't afraid to draw a crowd. You can mess with Daryl and Merle but me, I ain't one for you to mess with. So if you wanna try me, then go right ahead and fail. Ain't your momma every taught you to not mess with a redneck?"
Everyone stares at me including Carl. You can tell he's trying not to laugh. I turn around to face everyone else.
I look at a blond about my age.
I say " who are you?"
She says " Hi, I'm Beth. That's my sister Maggie, Her boyfriend Glenn, Our daddy, Mr.nice guy is Alan, that's Michonne, that's Carol, and the baby is Judith. We can be friends if you want?"
okay she's a little childish but I think I can handle her. She seems nice. With that country accent I bet she can sing really good. I think this could be the friend I was looking for.
I say " okay, umm hi everyone. umm bye."
I don't do good in front of crowds. When I was little, I sang in front of a crowd and they made fun of me. I always told myself that they were jellies but I really don't know. I never sang after that. I have always been scared but I have a feeling Beth will help me through that fear. Beth is like the scared little girl that hides from everything. She seems that way to me anyways. I walk back to my cell and lay on my bed. Carl walks in and lays in his bed. I stare up at the top bunk in silence.
Carl says " what was that back there? You just randomly left."
I say " I don't do good in front of crowds Carl. There's a lot of things you have to learn about me. Just give it time. You will find out everything about me. I'm sure you will find me.."
I think for a minute and say " interesting".
He says " I'm sure you will find me stunning."
I shocked by that. Crap. I forgot we kissed. He's a good kisser. I can say that much. Did I like it? Heck yeah. We can't date. Like I said Merle would kill him. Daryl wouldn't care. He's happy as long as I'm happy.
I say " I already do."
Oh my gosh. why did I say that. ugh. Can this day get any worse. I look in front of our door to see Merle standing there.
He says " come here little sister. I wanna talk to you."
I say " okay. Bye Carl."
I get up and follow Merle to a empty room. He closes the door behind me and pushes me up against the wall. This is why I don't like him. He's horrible when he wants to talk to me.
He says " if you tell Daryl anything i ever told you i will hurt you. got it?"
I nod. I'm not scared. He doses this a lot. Daryl don't know about it.
He says " you know how this works. I tell you everything that I have got on my hands and if you tell anyone I hurt you."
I say " yeah I got it."
He stares at me and thinks. He runs his hand a crossed his head. He's must have a lot on his hands..
He says " You won't tell anyone right?"
I nod. I pray to god Daryl will come in and save me. I really don't wanna do this. Its pretty weird. Having to listen to  your own brother just to keep people you love alive. I can't do this. I don't see why he's dose this. He tells me things that he has doe and it hard to keep it in at times.
I yell " Daryl! Help me!!!!"
Merle looks at me and slaps me hard. I fall to the floor.
He says " I thought i said I would hurt you."
I say " I'm sorry. It slipped. I won't tell."
Well, I have to make it up. Make him some bunny? That will make him happy. He walks up to me and stabs me in the stomach. I scream in pain. I fall to the floor holding my side. I see Daryl walk in and I pass out. I hear someone talk to me.
He says " Come on City, wake up. I know I just met you but I like you. You can't leave me. Please wake up. Merles gone. He's kicked out. Your safe. Just give me a sign your gonna wake up. I'll protect you. I don't know if our kiss meant anything to you but to me it meant everything. I would do anything to do it again. Daryl will let us date. You just have to wake up. We can be together if you want. Please just wake up."
I open my eyes slowly to see Carl next to me. He eyes are filled with tears and his head is down.
I say " C-Carl? Where am I? What happened? How long has it been.?"
He looks at me and says " thank god. Your in bed, you got stabbed, and its been 5 days."

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now