Bad news

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**City's POV***
I say " What the heck did you do to my brother. Where is he?"
Allan looks at me and smiles. Is there something funny that I'm missing.
He says " Merle walked out on ya. He left you here with Daryl. He's not coming back. I'm sorry City."
I look down at my pillow. Why did he leave me? I know he does things that I don't like but still. He's my brother. I love him to death, no matter what he does.
I say  " and nobody went after him? If you people won't go after him I will. That's my brother. Y'all just let him walk into a death trap."
I stand up and grab my crossbow that Daryl gave me. I put my boots on and walk down stairs.
Carl says " Where do you think your going?"
All attention is on me.
I say " I'm going to find my brother."
I pull on one of Carl's jackets and start walking. I bump into Daryl.
He says " Where you going little Missy?"
i say " I'm going to find our brother. And no ones stopping me. I'll be back before sundown. With him. I'll be back."
I walk past him and out the first gate. I go out the second one and pull out my knife just in case. I look at the ground and find his footprints. I follow them to a road and head left. My side hurts like no other. I come up to a big wall and a man looks at me.
He says " Are you alone."?
I say " Yeah. I'm looking for my brother."
He says " He a redneck? With the name of Merle?"
I say " Yes. That's him."
A door opens and I walk in. I hold a tight grip on my crossbow.
He says " I'm the governor. Merle has been expecting you. He said you would come for him."
I say " I'm City Dixon. Can you show me to him."
He nods and starts walking. We get to a house and Merle is sitting on a bed.
I say " There your but is. What the heck ? You just left. I'm not good enough for  a good bye?"
He looks at me and says " You don't remember anything little sister do ya"?
I say " nope. All I know is some butthead stabbed me."
He nods and stands up and hugs me tight. I feel a sharp pain where I got stabbed. He hugged me to tight.
He says " Your staying right?"
I say " No. I told Daryl I would be back before sun down. I thought you was coming with me."
The governor walks out and leaves me and Merle alone. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.
He says " Well, I like this place better."
**Merle's POV**
She is so freaking pretty. I never knew why the boys was never all over her. I know that's just the brotherly part of me but its true.
She gets up and starts walking.
I say " City wait. Come here."
I gotta at least get a nice hug before she leaves. She walks up to me and stares at me.
she says " what?"
I pull her into a huge hug. She pulls away and lays her head on my chest. She only does that when she misses me.
She says " Be safe. Please. Don't get yourself killed or anything. I love you."
I say " I love you to City. Don't get hurt."
I give her simple kiss on the cheek and she pulls away from me and grabs her crossbow.
She turns around and says " Are you sure this is what you want? This place?"
I nod and she turns back.
I can hear her mumble " Don't look back".
She walks out and shuts the door. Why did I just let her leave? She is the only sister I have. She's only 15, she's not going to survive this place. Not with that group anyways. Oh my gosh. She came for me because she loves me. And I just let her walk away like I didn't care. I can only imagine what she thinking about. I just made one of the biggest mistakes in my life, just letting her leave like that. She loved me when no one else would. Even though I really didn't deserve it. She was the one who comfort me when our father beat me and Daryl. She was the one to hold me when I cried. She has been the best sister ever and I have been such a mean person. I remember she always sat in my lap and cried in my chest when Daryl would leave. She would always run around the house we shared screaming because she was in a good mood. She used to sit on the roof at night until Daryl came and got her when he was home. I remember everything. I still can't believe I let her walk out like that. I'm such a bad brother. I already miss her.  I can't believe this.  Good luck City. Stay safe. Please.

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