The mysterious woman

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A woman comes out the trees and stares at me. She look like I knew here.  Maybe once before. I grab Carl's hand and hold my gun up with the other hand.

I say "Who are you!"

She looks at me and says "Young City, always taking charge. Just like your father. But, you killed him. My boyfriend."

I say "He was going to do the same to me. I just did it first."

Carl says "Who is this City? We have to go! Find my dad!"

I say "I don't know Carl! I know! ughh!"

I look at the woman and say "Go screw off!!"

I turn the other any and heads back towards the prison. We get there and I see Glenn, dead. Walker are around him thinking he's alive. I look around and see Judith's car seat. What the heck? I told the kids to get on the bus! I get teary eyed. I quickly wipe it away. Everything's gone. All because of me!

I say "Its gone Carl! He's not here!"

He says "Shhh, its okay! You have to be quiet."

Someone says "Carrl."

I turn around and see Rick. Carl runs to him and hugs him.

Rick says "Come on guys. We have to go"

I turn around and look at the prison.

Rick says "Don't look back, just keep walking"

I nod and turn around and follow Rick and Carl into the woods. Carl wraps his arm around my waist. Tears spill down all three of our cheeks. I hope Daryl made it out. What if he didn't? What if he got bit?

Carl says "Look, a house!"

I look up and sure enough there's a single house. Nothing around it just a house. It looks homey and cozy. We run to it and climb onto the porch. Rick opens the door slowly and we all walk in with our guns up. I follow a hallway up to some stairs. I follow them and end in a hallway. I look in all the rooms and there clear. I go back down stairs and head straight to Carl.

He pulls me into a hug.

He says "Its okay. Everything will work out the way it needs to be. We will find Judith and and Daryl and Glenn."

I say "Carl, there is no Glenn or Judith or Daryl! They killed everyone! All because of me! If I would have just went with him, then none of this would have happened. Everyone would be happy."

He says "What about me? I wouldn't be happy without you. Knowing he would hurt you. You don't get it City. You make me happy. The only thing that makes me happy in this world. City, I love you!"

I look him in the eyes and see he's about to cry.

I say "I'm sorry. Its just, I'm not,I dont kn-"

He cuts me off by kissing me. Our lips move in sync. He pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

He says "I love you."

I say "I love you to Carl."

He gives me another hug and picks me up. I laugh.

I say "What are you doing?"

He says "Taking you to bed. You need to rest. I'm going out and getting food."

I say "I'll come with you! I don't want you going alone. Please."

He says "I'll be careful. I promise. Just rest."

He lays me down on a clean bed and kisses my forehead. Then he kisses my lips. He looks at me and I nod my head. I turn on my side and snuggle up to the wall. I soon fall asleep. Into a deep sleep on the most comforted bed ever. Its been a while since I have slept.

*Carl's POV *

I found a bunch of food. I got chips, cereal, candy, and Pudding! I'm so happy. There's all kinds of food. I just wish I could have found more. I don't want my dad or City having to go out there.  Its dangerous. I almost got bit today. It got my shoe instead of me. I guess I'll have to search the house for a new pair. That is something we haven't checked for is new clothes. I go to the back porch and open the door to get in. But, its locked.

I yell "City!?"

I knock on the door.

*City's POV*

Carl? I lift my head up and look around. I hear someone yell City. I get up and go down stairs and see a bunch of men around Carl. I point my gun up and click it.

I say "Back away from him."

a man yells "Claimed! Both of them."

That voice sounds familiar. I look over and see Daryl. I take a deep look at the group. Its the group we found at the last house.

The leader says "Well, well, well, if it isn't our old friend City. To bad Daryl claimed you both. Now he gets all the fun."

I back up into Carl's arms. He wraps them around me being protective. Daryl steps in front of us.

Daryl says "Joe, this is City. The girl I've been looking for."

He says "She your toy or what? Can you share?"

Daryl says "Back up. She's my sister."

Carl squezes me.

Joe says "What about the boy?"

I snap "He's my boyfriend. You touch him I'll kill you myself. Wanna try hurting me? Kick my ass? Try me."

A guy says "She's feisty, I like them like that."

He moves closer to me and I spit in his face.

I say "Don't come near me or him. Keep away from me and him. We have food that's ours. Only me Carl and Daryl get. Its claimed. What we catch is ours got it?"

Carl says "Wait where's my dad?"

I look around and don't see him. I pull out my gun and walk around the house. He's not hear. I find and price of paper and pencial.
Daryl found a group and found us. Your not here and didn't tell us where you went. Were safe. I hope to see you again. We love you!
City and Carl

I Gran the note and stick it on the table. We head out with that group. I have Carl on one side and Daryl on the other. We climb up train tracks and start following them.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now