Carl's return

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**City's POV * *

Carl flutters his eyes open. He looks around then passes out again. What the? I put my head to his chest. No heartbeat. I freak out. I pinch his nose and part his lips. I connect our lips and push my breath in him. I push on his chest. I repeat that like 3 times. I lay my head on his chest. I have a heartbeat but a very low one. I lay my head on his chest and cry. I'm scared. He might be a goner. Daryl comes on one side and Rick comes on the other. They grab me from under the arms and start pulling me back. I force and wiggle myself out of there grip and I run back to his side. I'm still crying my eyes out. I grab onto his blue plaid shirt. That way if they try to pull me away again, they will pull him to.

I say " C-carl. w-w-wa-wake up. P-plea-s-se. You can do it! Come one babe. I love you. Don't ever forget that."

I get up and storm out of the room. I go outside, and grab my knife.

Daryl yells " City! Get your butt back here"!

I yell " No! He might die! I'm not gonna be here if he dose! I can't!" I break down and fall to the ground crying. Some arms wrap around me. Wait, there not Daryl there small enough to be..

I yell " Carl!"

He smiles and says " I'm okay!"

I start crying again. He looks me dead in the eyes and kisses me very soft and passionate. I wrap my arms around his neck. We both pull back out of breath and I lay my head on his chest.

He says " Come on. I wanna talk to you."

He grabs my hand and pulls me into the house. He takes me upstairs, into a room. The room was a girls room. Maybe about 13. He motions me to sit on the bed. I sit on the bed. He holds my hands and looks me in the eyes.

He says " City, Thank you".

I say " For what?"

I'm confused. What is he thanking me for? What the heck did I do? Nothing..

He says "You saved my life. City you don't know how much you mean to me. You care about me, I know that. You saved my life babe."

He gives me a long kiss.

I say " Carl, I love you."

He says " I love you to City."

I pull him into a tight hug. I'm so happy, I thought he was a goner. We hug for about 4 minutes. I pull back and lay my head on his shoulder.

I say " You know, I thought you were gonna die. You did but after i saved you. you barley had a heart beat Carl. I was so worried."

He says " Can I ask why you were going out of the house?"

I sigh and stay quiet for a while. Should I tell him the truth. Do I even know the truth?

I say " I was angry. It would have been my fault. I was gonna go crazy. I was going to take my anger out on something. But I'm not mad anymore. I'm thankful."

Carl says " Why are you thankful. What did you do."

I say " Well, you know Im like your dad. I'm not really a believer of god but I prayed. Just for you. The first time in my whole life."

He kisses me on the cheek and pulls me up. Were standing face to face. He gives me and kiss.

He says " Come on. You haven't ate. I can tell."

I sigh and he pulls me down stairs. Rick gives me a look. It's that look like he's questioning. I shake my head no and he nods. He thought we did something stupid.

I say " Where's Daryl?"

Rick says " He went hunting. He's gonna look for Michonne while he's out."

I nod. I walk into what was the kitchen. I open the cabinets. I take out all the food we can still use. We have 5 cans of pineapples, 4 cans of corn 10 cans of peaches, and 6 cans of mini hotdogs. yay, food!! I look around for a can opener. instead, I find forks, spoons, and knifes.

I say " darn"

Carl says " looking for this?"

I turn around to see him holding up a can opener. I go to grab it but he moves his hand. I go to reach for it again but he holds it up. I move closer to him and get on my toes. I can't reach it.

I say " okay what do you want"

He gives me his famous smirk. I roll my eyes.

He says " I think I can do with a good kiss."

I say " what makes you say I can give my kisses away like that?"

He says " hmm, it will be worth it. The price of food is just a small kiss."

I say " Knowing you its not gonna be a small one because you know I really want that food."

He smiles. I stand in my tippy-toes and plant a kiss on his lips. I reach my hand up to his and grab the can opener. I pull away and run to the food.

He says " Hey! your teaseing me!"

I say " Yeah, but I got what I want didn't I?"

He frowns and nods.

He says " I don't like it when you tease me."

I say " Oh come here you big baby."

He walks up to me and plants his lips on mine. We just have a small kiss for about 2 minutes. I pull back and look at him.

I say " So, can I eat food now?"

He says " Only if you get me something."

I say " okay that's a great deal!"

I open two cans a pineapples.

I say " Hey Rick? You want some food?"

He looks at me. I hold up a can of pineapples. He nods and I bring him one of the opened cans. I hand Carl the other can. I go open another can and I grab a fork. The boys just use there fingers. I eat a whole pineapple. You guys don't understand how hungry I am right now. Its crazy.

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