The group

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We have been following the train tracks for about 4 days now. Stopping at night.  Im not comfortable in this group and I can tell Carl isn't either. The way those guys look at us. Its like there planning something and not saying it. My feet hurt. Badly, I think I need a break. I have asthma but it never bothered me until now.

I say "Hold on guys. I need a break. I-i can't breath."

Everyone stops and looks at me. Carl helps me out of my jacket. Daryl walks over and get inside his bag and pull something out.  He tosses it to Carl and he looks at me.

He says "You have asthma and you didn't tell me?"

I say "I-it never bothered me until now."

He hands me a inhaler. I take a puff of it and wait a minute. I take another puff and put it in my bag. We start walking again. This time Carl is on one side and some other guy is on my other. Carl pull me to him eyeing the other guy.

Carl whispers in my ear "Try to stay away from them. I don't trust them but Daryl is here."

The guy next to me says "Claimed"

He heads towards my angle wing vest. I pull my knife out and point it at him.

I say "What part of what mine is mine don't you understand? This is my vest. You touch it and you suffer."

He says "Joe she ain't following the rules."

I say "Hold up. Fuck rules, I told you what's our is ours and y'all don't touch. Got it? You wanted me in here and y'all leave me and my family alone."

They all back away from me but Carl and Daryl. I put my knife back and start walking. Carl runs to my side and grabs my hand.

Joe says "You have a nice boyfriend there City. We all want him but like you said what's your is yours."

I say "You sick creeps! Let me guess you want me to! Cause I'm something you could hold down and have fun with! Your gross! Daryl I'm out of here. I'm sorry. "

I start running. I turn and look back there all chasing me, but I don't think its the same reason as Carl and Daryl. Carl is the fastest right now. I let him catch up to me and I turn my head back and keep running. I stop when I run into someone. I look up to see Beth.

Daryl yells "Beth! Beth!"

Daryl runs faster and hugs her tight. I do the same and so does Carl. I smile. Were slowly getting our group back. The group we once were.

Beth says "I haven't eaten in days do y'all have something."

I say " Beth listen closely. The people behind us want to rape me and Carl. Once they see you think about what thy will do. We have to go!"

We all run into the forest, into a neighbor hood and to a house. I put my gun up and I hear something upstairs. I motion to them that I'm going to look. They nod. I slowly make my way upstairs. I open he first door and a walker comes out. I pull my knife out and stab it. I open the next door and see someone's back.

I say "Hello?"

The person turns around and I see Logan. The one friend I did have.

I say "Oh my god."

I run to him and hug him so tight. He starts crying on my shoulder.

He says "What the hell is out there? I've been locked in here since the outbreak."

I say "Well, there the dead walking. We call them Walkers. You gotta damage the brain to kill them. Some people out there are horrible Logan. You don't even know."

Carl comes running and see's me hugging Logan.

Carl says "What the hell City? Who is this?"

I say "Logan this is Carl, my boyfriend. Carl this is Logan, my friend."

Carl kisses me on the cheek and walks down stairs. Logan knew about my father, and every other problem in my life. I leave Logan alone and walk down to Carl. I kiss him on the cheek and look at him. He's been crying.

I say "Babe, what's wrong?"

He says "What if we don't find him. My dad. I don't see why he would just leave. He had to have a reason."

I say "I don't know. But I promise Carl, I will find him. Dead or Alive. I left him a note. Telling him we were with Daryl. We will find him. With or without others. We can make it. Some place safe. There has to be somewhere safe that's not over run."

Logan says "I was on the radio, people were broadcasting. They said something about Terminus. Those who arrive survive."

Carl says "Did they say how to get to it?"

Logan says "Follow train tracks, you will find a map soon."

I say "What if its a trap? I kinda have a band feeling about it."

Beth says "I agree. It could be a trap or something. While I was out I ran into a group of cannables. I got away though."

I say "Let's go there, try it out. If we don't like it then we leave. I guess that works."

We all nod and clear the house for things we could need. We head on our trip to this Terminus place.

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