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~The governors pov~

Its bad that I didn't know that. I really can't let her out there now. She will die. I can't loose my little girl. I already lost Penny and I can't loose City to. I know I did bad things in the past but I'm changed. The world changed who I am. I'm not afraid of nothing, I'm scared, and I'm not him. The person I used to be. I was so scared of her running away from me. So I made sure she stayed.

~City's POV ~

I lift my head up and look around. I'm in a room. My head is throbbing. I see Carl in the corner with his head down. I guess sleeping. I go to lift my arm up but its jerked back. What the crap? I look down to see my hands pinned down by straps. I wiggle as hard as I can and nothing happens. A door opens and I see a girl walk in. Oh my.

I say "Lizzie!?"

She looks up and drops what she was holding.

She says "City!? Is that you!"

I say "Yeah! Now help me please. That man out there. He's bad, He's a bad man. He will kill me Lizzie. I need you to let me out of here. I can keep you safe."

She says " Me and Mika? Both safe?"

I say "Yes hunny, you have to let me out though. Ill save both of you. I'll get both of you out of here."

She says " Okay. I'll help."

She walks over to me and cuts the thing around my wrists. I wiggle them and hug her.

I say " Now go get Mika. I'll get Carl okay?"

She nods and walks out shutting the door behind her. I run over to Carl and shake him. I pull my pocketknife out and cut the thing around his wrists. I shake him again and he wakes up. He looks around and stands up real fast.

I say "Carl shh its okay. We have to go find Lizzie and Mika. Okay, so let's go. Come on we don't have much time."

He nods and we wait for Lizzie and Mika. They both come running in and hug me. I feel for my gun but its not there. Mika hands me hers.

She says " I can't shoot it anyways."

I nod and take it from her. Lizzie opens the door and we walk out. I put my gun up ready to shoot if needed. Lizzie leads us out and to a hole in the walls around this place. We all slip through and head for the prison.

I say "Wait! What about Daryl, michonne, and Rick!? Who do we go to?"

Carl says "The prison. They need to know where safe. Then we go after the others."

I nod and we head for the prison. When we get to the gate Carol opens it. We all run inside and run to the prison. Everyone greets me and Carl with hugs and questions.

Maggie says "Where is everyone!? And who are they?"

I say " There at a house. Me and Carl are going after them. We got kidnapped. This is Lizzie and Mika. There my cousins. They also saved my and Carl's life."

She says "What do you mean kidnapped? Who kidnapped you?"

I look at Carl so he can tell them. He gives me questioning eyes and I nod. I just gave him permission to tell them that he's my father.

Carl says " Its this man called the governor and Merle. They want City, so she can be safe. The governor is also her father. He did things to her when she was little so she said she wasn't staying there."

I nod and take Lizzie and Mika's hand. They can stay in my and Carl's cell being we have 3 opened beds. I guide them to the cell.

I say " pick a bed girls. Other then that bottom one on the left. Its mine and Carl's."

Mika says "Eww yall sleep together!"

She starts laughing with Lizzie witch makes me smile. I missed them. Even though I didn't see them that often, I still love them. But, I have to keep a close eye on Lizzie be cause she's messed up in the head. Kinda like me but worse. A lot worse and I don't even tell myself I'm messed up because I can live with it.

Lizzie says "City? You okay!"

I say "Yeah. I'm fine always have been."

She smiles and gives me a hug. Like a sister to sister hug even though were not sisters. Mika randomly joins in.

Mika says "Where's Daryl?"

I say "I'm going to get him. I promise."

She nods and I let go of them. I grab my bag I keep packed for emergency's. It has mine and Carl stuff, food and water. I put it on my back and walk down to Carl.

I say "You ready?"

He nods and we head off on our journey.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now