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I look at Daryl.

I say "What its clothes?'

He says "Yeah clothes that you can't live in."

I say "I'm sure I can. I can running boots. What are you worried that its not covering me up? Yeah you can deal with it. We won't leave today so I'm sure I can feel pretty for one day during this life."

He just nods and I walk off to find Carl. I walk around the house and go up stairs. I grab my gun and knife. I slid my knife in my boot and tie the holster around my waist. I go downstairs and see everyone but Carl in the living room.

I say "Has anyone seen Carl?"

Beth says "He went to check the other houses."

I say "With no gun and you let him!? What the heck Beth! First off you kiss MY boyfriends cheek then you let him go off on his own! When I first met you we were best friends and now you betrayed me! Thanks a lot Beth. If my boyfriend is dead I swear to god I wouldn't want to be you."

I sigh and walk off to find my boyfriend. I walk into the first house and hold my knife up.

I say "Carl?"

I don't hear anything. I walk through the house and sigh. Nope not here. I walk over to the next house and open the door. I hold my knife up and sigh when I see Carl in the kitchen getting food.

I say "Carl. You scared the heck out of me."

He turns around but its not him. He's not the same. I look at him and scream. He comes towards me. I pull my gun out but I can't do it.

I say "I'm sorry everyone. I love you"

I point the gun to my head and pull the trigger.

** Daryl's POV**
I'm freaking out. City went out there on her own looking for Carl. I guess I can say she really does love him. BANG! A single gun shot goes off. I look at Rick wide eyed and run off. Rick follows. We go into the first house and there's nothing in the house.

I say "Why one gun shot? Just one? She knows better, there has to be something wrong."

He says "We will find her! And my boy. Daryl, don't worry. There gonna be okay."

I nod and we start walking to the next house. Rick opens the door and there lays 2 zombies with there heads faced down. The wearing the same outfit as... oh shit.

~ flashback ~

City says "What its clothes?"

I say "Yeah clothes, you cant live in."

She says something else but im not really paying attention. I just don't want her wearing that dress. What if something happens.

~End of flashback~

I flip the body over and stare at her wide eyed. Its City and Carl, both dead. Side by side. City must of killed herself. I know she always said she couldn't live without him. She's gone. All my family, just gone. I hear Rick start cry and so do I. The first thing I have ever cried over. My sister City Marie Dixon. I love her. I bend down over her small, fragile body and cry on her shoulder. Reminds me of what her a Merle did before everything happened with zombies.  Fuck this world!

I scream " z This was my feaking sister! First it was my brother and now its my sister! Come take me! She was all I had left! Now everythings gone! I have no one!"

** City's POV **

I see this tree with Lizzie, Mika, and another little girl sitting, laughing and having fun. Where am I? Last thing I remember is loosing Carl. That's the only thing I can seem to think of. I walk over to Lizzie, Mika, and the girl. Lizzie runs up to me and hugs me.

She says " Its okay! Where safe now, from everything. Its okay that you didn't keep your promise! City I love you."

I say " Lizzie, where are we? Where is everyone?"

She says " Where only here because where waiting on someone. When you find the person your looking for then you go to the big place. I wanted to wait for you. City, where in heaven."

I say " Who am I waiting for?"

She says " Carl silly. I tried to stop him but I couldn't."

I say " What do you mean stop him?"

She says " He will explain later. Come on someone wants to see you."

She grabs me hand and starts pulling me over and around the tree. I see a lady standing in a long white dress.

She says " Hello City, its nice to finally meet you. Im Lori Grimes, Carl's mother."

I say " Im so sorry Mrs. Gimes. I couldn't get there fast enough. I should have kept a eye on him."

She says " Don't be hunny. Its not your fault. Come sit down with me."

I follow her and sit down. I pull my knee's up to my chin and lay my hands acrossed my knee's.

She says " He loved you. Your the first person he ever loved. And I hope your his final. Your a good girl City, I have been watching you. "

I say " How?"

She says " I have my ways but when you find Carl, make sure you both are okay. Alright. Lead him in the right direction because you both love each other very very much okay? Never give up on him even when hope get hard."

I nod. She stands up and turns back towards the tree. I hear more foot steps and Carls voice.

He yells " Mom"

There run to each other and he starts to cry on her shoulder.

He says " City's gone mom. I loved her and shes gone."

She says " Hunny no shes not. She right there."

He turns to me and I look at him. I stand up real fast and run to him. I crash my lips on his and we kiss right there. The first passionate kiss we ever had.

I say " Carl, I love you. No matter what okay? "

He says " I know I love you to. "

I say " Im sorry."

He says " For what?"

I say " You told me not to risk my life for you. But, I did and look where that got me."

He says " No babe, its fine. As long as where together here. We have each other and my mom. I still love you no matter what."

I say " I love you Carl Gimes."

He says " I love you to City Dixon."

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now