Love life..

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**City's POV**
I can't believe he let me go. I thought he loved me. I guess I was wrong. I can not believe what just went down in there. I walk out of the house and run into a boy a little bit older then me.
I say " sorry. I'll watch where I'm going next time."
He nods. I'm trying to not to cry my eyes out. I never felt like crying because of Merle. The governor walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.
He says " Let me walk you to your camp. Your in no condition to walk out there alone."
I say " No, I'm fine. I'm gonna go hunting. Clear my head. I'm not that far from here anyways. I know a short cut."
He says " you know he loves you right?"
I say " I have been asking myself that a lot lately."
He says "Why would he know you would come? Why would he kiss you on the cheek"?
I say " Because he's a boy and that's what they do. They all just play with people's feelings. Okay".
He looks at me and says " Do you think Im like that?"
I stop walking and say " Yeah I do think that. Cause you wouldn't be caring if you didn't. Okay. I'm just gonna leave. Take care of him for me."
I climb the wall and hop over. I stab a walker in the head and walk into the woods. I shoot a few squirrels, a few bunny's and I tie them on my waist. Something Daryl taught me to do. It really helps sometimes. I walk to the prison gate and Carl opens it for me. I walk In and hug him.
Were not dating but I like him and his hugs.
He says " I need to talk to you."
I say " okay. Can I talk to Daryl first?"
He nods. I hug him again and walk inside the prison. I find Daryl and pull him to his cell.
I say " He didn't want to come. I tried to get him but he wouldn't come. Its all my fault. Why does he hate me so much. What did I do?"
Daryl sits down and I sit on his lap. He takes my crossbow and sets it aside. He wraps his arms around me and and holds me close. Me and Merle used to do this.
He says " Its not your fault baby girl. I'm sure the zombies are getting to his head. Your perfect. There's nothing about you that someone don't love okay? Now go fix yourself up and talk to Carl."
I nod and walk into my cell. I pull out a mirror and wipe my tears off. I put it up and walk down stairs and outside to Carl.
I say " Hey, you wanted to talk to me?"
He says " Umm yeah but not out here. Maybe in our cell?"
I nod. What does he want to talk about? We walk in the prison and to our cell. We sit on my bed.
He says " City, do you get mad when I do this?"
He leans in and kisses me. I kiss back. No not at all Carl. Your my crush. No.. I can't say that. He pulls back and stares at me waiting for a answer.

I say " Nope. Not at all. Honestly, I love it. It drives me crazy."
He says " City, the first time I saw you, I thought you where gonna be some kind  of girl who got her way. But right now I don't see that. I see someone so beautiful. You have a  amazing personality. And I was wondering if you will be my umm girlfriend."
He looks at me with big hopeful blue eyes. I kiss him on the cheek.
I say " yes. I mean I would love to."
He says " really?"
I say " yeah. Now I have a question for you."
He says " hmm?"
I say " who cooks dinner around here? I got all this animal stuff around my waist."
He giggles and says " That would be Carol. You might have to skin in first."
I say " I'll get Daryl to do it. I'll be back."
I kiss him on the cheek and walk to Daryl's cell. I look inside to find him already skinning some animals.
I say " I got more. Will you skin them?"
He says " Yeah. So what did you say to Carl? Was it a yes?"
I say " How do you know about that?"
He says " He came to me and asked if he could date you. In all honestly i think he's a keeper I have known him for a while and I think he's good for you."
I say " oh. Well yeah I said yes. Umm I'm just gonna go."
I walk back to my cell and run into Carl. I laugh and sit down with him following me.
He says " Do you want to talk about what happened or.."
I say " Don't ruin the good mood darling."
He smiles and pulls me closer by the waist to him. I can help but smile. I love it when boys put there hands on my waist. I lay my head on his shoulder and we sit there for a while in silence. Not ackward silence but comfortable silence. Carl breaks the silence with a question I never thought he would ask.
" What was your life like before all this."

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now