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I look around slowly, gripping my pocket knife tightly. I'm scared for what I might see. What if

he got bit? At least he don't run away like Daryl. I hear rumbling in the closet and  my head turns. My stomach gets a weird feeling inside. I slowly walk over to the closet and put my hand on the knob. This is it. Is he alive or dead? i slowly pull the door open, feeling ready for what might come next. I look all over the closet and he not there. Then where did it come from? I look all around and I see a door. I walk over to it. I put my hand on the knob and sigh. Right as I'm about to open it, I hear a scream.

I yell " Carl"!

I see the window open and hop out of it, landing on the roof. I look down and all around and see 4 walkers on top of him. I jump and run as fast as I can ignoring the pain from jumping. I get to him and stab the top walker and struggle to pull it off. I get it off and stab the next one. Then I feel hands go around my waist.

Rick says " There's no point. Come on."

I say " Let go! He not dead."

I pull out of his grip and hear him walk away. I wrap my arms around one of the walkers and pull her off. I stomp her head in. I start going to the last one but a walker stops me. It grabs my waist and trys pulling me to it. I scream.

someone says " oh hunny, its just me."

I say " Well, get off me! I have to save him."

I wiggle out and run to the last walker. I stab it and blood goes on Carls face. I fall next to him and push the body off. I turn on my side so Im not facing him. I feel weird in my stomach and puke. I never puked during a zombie Apocalypse. I wipe my face and see a hand trying to help me up. I take it, thinking it was Carls. I look up and see the worst person I want to see. I freeze and start to shake.

Carl says " Who's that?"

I pull out my gun and aim it to my fathers head.

Carl says " City! what are you doing!? We don't kill the living!"

I feel a sharp pain in my heads and fall to the ground. Everything goes black.

~The governors POV ~

I'm getting my little girl back. I don't care if she likes it or not. She's mine and she will stay that way. I have her little Carl as a weakness. If only I can find out where there staying. like the rest. I know there's more than just him and her. She never likes being on her own. She always thought the more people the better.

~Flash back ( Before things went bad with her father )~

City ran to me with  her arms opened.

She yelled " Daddy!"

He voice all high pitched from being 5. I opened my arms and hugged her. I just got back from war with some other country. My eyes feel with tears as she tells me all about her life while I was gone.

~End of flashback~

I'll never be like that again. That soft warm person. Crying over my daughter? she deserves to die. I sigh as I yell for Merle to open the gates to Woodbury. I drive in and stop.

Merle says " Did you find her? Is she okay?"

I say " Oh I more than found her. I have her and the boy."

Merle says " You what? Why."

I say " Merle, we made a deal to keep her safe. I'm not letting her out there. She will get hurt. I'm not loosing this little girl to."

He looks at me and nods. He goes around and picks Carl up and takes him to the room. The special room. I do the same with City. I tie her to a chair. I need to get answers from them.  hope she will answer them. Cause Merle won't let me hurt her or Carl. Merle walks over and looks me in the eyes. He puts a hand on my shoulder and sighs.

He says " Whatever happens, nothing happens to City, Carl, or Daryl. Got it? There family and weather or not I like it or not City cares for Carl. A lot and without him she won't be right in the head again. She isn't right in the head, she hides it."

I say " What do you mean?"

He says " She hallucinates. badly. So she will go all crazy."

I say " How bad is it?"

He says " Once she thought I was feeding her fingers and eyeballs. She screamed her head off. Then once in school she thought all the students were ghost things cornering her and she was in the middle of class. She started freaking out and crying and all kinds of stuff. It was crazy. She just imagine's it all. then she thinks its true. its crazy."

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now