This is survival

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I stare at the sign for a moment and look at the ground. I bend down and look for footprints. There has been boots around here. Kinda looking like Daryl's. I nod to myself and keep walking. I don't need them to catch up to me. They won't let me go being he's my dad. Abusive dad at that. I sigh and look up at the wall. A lady looks down at me and sighs.

She says "What do you want?"

I say "Let me in. This is important."

She says "Who are you?"

I say "Gosh dang it! Just let me in! Merle Dixon is my brother and the governor is my father! I need to talk to him!"

She just nods and opens the gate for me. I walk really fast to the building I was in when me and Carl was taken. I open the last door and see my father hitting Daryl.

I yell "Stop it!"

Daryl looks at me and frowns. He motions me to go. I shake my head no and look at the man who gave me all my scares.

I say "Daddy, let him go. You have me. I'm here. Just please, let him go."

A tear rolls down my face. Daryl looks at me shocked. This is something I have to do. Its for the sake of the group. I wipe my tear away and look at Daryl. My dad walks up to me and rubs my arm.

He says "Well City, this is a shock. Never expected to see you here."

Daryl says "No, City go. You can survive. What about Carl? Beth? Maggie? What about Judith? They all need you."

I say "Yeah but I need you and Merle. If I don't give myself up he will kill both of you. I know him. Daryl just go. Tell the group they were a family I never had. Tell Carl I love him."

I walk over to him with more tears rolling down my face. I cut the rope and pull him up. I give him a hug.

He whispers in my ear "City, we can do this okay? I'll come for you. I promise."

I nod my head and hand him my crossbow. He nods and walks out. I look at my dad smiling like crazy. I sigh and walk over to him. I hold my arms and legs a out so he can pat me down. He does and takes all my weapons. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

I say "Daddy? Where's Merle?"

He says "In his house baby girl. Go get him and some rest."

I nod and walk to his house. I open the door and see him laying on the bed reading. Not like him but alright.

I say "Hi brother."

He says "City? What are you doing here?"

I say "He had Daryl. I had to do what I had to do Merle."

I walk over to him and lay down next to him.

He says "What did you do?"

I say "I had to survive. This is survival for me now. I gave myself to him in exchange for letting Daryl go. I had to save Daryl. "

I start crying in the pillow and Merle rubs circles in my back. He whispers soothing things to calm me down. I let out a deep sigh. I look around and count sheep in my head. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. I soon fall into a deep sleep. The last number I counted was 16.

~City's dream~

I'm running down the street. These things were chasing me. I think I'll call them walkers. I scream as one tackles me from the side. I scream ever louder when it takes a bite out of my arm. I stab it and get up to run more. I get pulled into a store.

I say "Im a sorry but this is survival."

I take my knife and stab myself in the stomach. I cough up blood and ignore all the pain in my stomach because soon it will all be gone.

The guys says "Shit no!!!!"

I say "i-i I w-aas bit anyways".

He nods and takes his knife and put as the blade to my skull. He pushes and everything goes black. I'm gone. Dead. I see a little girl run to me and grab my hand.

She says "he he hi I'm Sophia! My mommy was Carol."

I smile and take her hand. She leads me to a tree and see him. Someone I never wanted to see here. He should have lived. Carl.

~End of dream~

I sit and and look around. I sigh and roll over and hit Merle on accident. I frown and look at a clock. 3:48. Yay. I roll back over and look at the ceiling.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now