i cant tell you

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I stare off into the distance, watching Rick and Daryl get ride of the body's. This is all my fault. More peoples life was gone because of me. This is the fourth person that died because of me not including everyone from the prison. So really that makes like 50 people but some of them could be alive. Beth keeps saying that there's hope, but. hopes a lie. You can't have  hope anymore. It just gives you a bigger disappointment. That's what I think. I sigh and hear movement behind me. I turn around to see Carl climbing out the window. I smile at my boyfriends stupidness. I get up and help him out the window. He smiles and motions for me to sit. I sit back down and he sits next to me and follows what I'm staring at.

He says "Its not your fault. If my dad didn't kill him then he would have hurt you."

I say " What happened to your dads saying ' we don't kill the living'? What about all the people at the prison. If I would have never answered that phone call then everything would be fine."

He says "City! Get through your head! It wasn't just you he wanted. He wanted the prison to. I'm sick of you being up here and blaming yourself for everything! Its not your fault. Looking I get the fact that your dad wanted you but he wanted the prison to. He wanted us to suffer for what we did to him. He was crazy, and he did stupid things."

I say "I'm sorry Carl."

He says "Its okay, I wanna show you something. Come on."

He pulls me up to my feet and climbs though the window. I follow him through the window. He grabs my hand and pulls me down stairs. We go into a room and I see Beth.

I say "You wanted to show me Beth?"

He says "No, Beth is going to get you ready while I go get the power on."

He kisses me and walks out. I turn and look at a smiling Beth.

She says "You know I used to have a husband like that. He always did things for me without telling me."

I say "Sometimes I don't like it though. Because I don't do anything for him."

She says "Trust me. He loves you. You should have heard him a few minutes ago."

I smile and look down. She move something out of the closet. I look up to see her holding up a beautiful gold prom dress. I gasp and smile.

She says "Now, takes you clothes off and change into this. I'll be back in 5 minutes."

I nod and she walks out.

***Carl's POV***

I look over the power switches and flip them on. I hear a scream and see City looking out the window. She nods and smile. God she is so beautiful. I can't believe I'm so lucky to have someone like her. Beth comes up to me and hugs me. I kinda just stand there.

She says "This is great! You remind me of my husband! He used to do things like this all the time."

I just smile and nod.

I say "There is a curling iron up stairs in that bathroom. Go get it and look from make up. Then get her fixed up. I'll find something for me to wear."

She leans in and kisses me on the cheek.

She says "Be careful."

I nod and wipe the kiss off. I walk off into the direction of the other houses.

***City's POV***
Beth just kissed Carl's cheek. Am I missing something between them? I swore she just said he loved me. So why is she kissing his cheek? He's my boyfriend not hers. That's my job. I guess I need to keep an eye on her cause I swear if she does it again then it won't be pretty for her. Speaking of her, she comes running up the stairs into the bathroom. She looks through some draws and pulls a few things out. She runs into the room. I haven't changed into the dress yet. She looks at me and frowns.

I say "I'll find something else to wear."

I walk over to the closet and look through the clothes. I pull out a cute simple white dress. I look through the shoes and find some cowgirl boot. I take off my dirty, bloody clothes and try on the white dress. A perfect fit. I look at her and she nods. I walk to her and she curls my hair in silence. Not one word  was spoken by me. Her was a different story. She looks at me and I roll my eyes. She looks at me funny and shrugs it off. I walk down stairs and Daryl stares at me.

He says "What the heck City ?"

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now