The call..

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**City's POV**

I wake up to see Carl still there. I knew he woke up last night but I didn't bother him. I slowly slip out of his grip and walk down stairs.  I see Rick look through the bag of guns I gave him. I walk over and unzip the pocket I kept my phone in. Its still fully charged. Weird. I have a few missed calls.

I say " Rick, come here. Look at this."

He walks over and says " What?"

I say " My dad, he called yesterday and it went through. What if we can get ahold of someone. Being we have power I can charge this when needed and we can use it."

I get another call from my dad. I answer it.

C- City and D- dad

C- Daddy? Is that you?

D- City. Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Are you hurt or bitten? Have you found good people. What about the boys?

C- I'm fine. Daryl is fine to. Merle? Well, I really don't know. He stabbed me. I'm okay. I'm alone to. Its just me vs them. Are you okay?

D- Yeah hunny I'm fine. Listen. Tell me where you, Daryl, and Merle are. Daddy will come get you and we can be safe. I have a group, a place with walls all over it. Its around the prison. You know where that is right?

C- Yes dad. But I'm fine. I like it on my own. I have food, water, and a nice place to sleep. Daryl is staying to. Merle is in a group like that. I'm pretty sure. I have been there once. This guy calls himself the governor. He's kinda a creep.

D- That's no way to talk about your father like that little Missy. Now you need to come here as fast as you can. Or I will hunt you down and find you. Yeah remember all those fun times you and daddy had. When you would scream and cry when the boys left? Daddy will take good care of you. Have you fed, Showered, and clean. Daddy and his friends won't get you hurt  We promise.

C- You weirdo! I'm fine. Goodbye

With that I hang up and hand the phone to Rick. I walk straight into my cell and lay back down next to Carl. I start crying as quiet as possible. I don't think its working. Carl starts moving.

He says " Babe, what's wrong?"

I say " Nothing Carl. ju-just g-g-go back to bed. I-I-Im-Im fine. "

He rubs circles in my back and he says soothing words in my ear. I have calmed down a little. I lay my head on his chest and cry onto his shirt. He smells nice. Its not body spray, its natural. I get comfortable so I can talk to him. I think I should tell him about my dad, just not about him being where Merle is. He would never let me back there if I did.

I say " Hey, baby I think I'm ready to tell you what happened. Don't move. I'm comfortable and if you move I'll break down okay?"

He says " Anything for you babe."

I say " Okay so I had my phone in that gun bag. I had it to keep track of the date and time. I was looking at it and I had missed calls from my dad that happened yesterday. Then I got a real call and he said that I better come find him or he will hunt me down. Then he started talking about the things him and his friends have said to me. I'm just so scared. He said me and his friends would so it again. The moment he finds me he's gonna try to talk to me. Carl I'm scared.. I trust my brother but if my dad says a certain thing, then it can change Merle just like that."

He says " No one is going to hurt you. Your going to be okay. From now on someone goes with you where ever you go. And always carry a gun. Cause he's dead wrong if he thinks someone is gonna touch you in a wrong way. You get what I mean with that. I'm just going to try my hardest to keep you safe. Your my babe and I have no idea what I would do without you. You like a part of me. Like where connected. When you feel sick, part of me feels sick, When your mad, I'm mad. You know what I mean."

I nod my head. He lifts my chin up with his fingers and kisses me really soft. Like I'm easy to break. I swear the way he kisses me is magical. He slowly moves our lips together in a pattern. He puts his hands on my waist. I could never get enough of this. Ever time we kiss or touch sparks go all over my body. We hear someone walking. kinda like shuffling feet. We both pull away and see a walker. Not just any Walker but Allan. we both  pull our guns out  and he starts coming at me. I shoot him in and head and stare at him.

I say " What the heck? Why didn't he tell us he was bit?"

Carl walks over to him and searches his body for a bite or scratch.

He says " Because he wasn't. Come on, we have to go see if anyone else is bit."

I hear a scream. That sounds like Carol. I run as fast as I can to where she is and I see a walker going after Daryl. He don't have his bow with him. I quickly shoot it in the head and run to Carol. She's like my mother.

I say " Are you okay? Are you hurt, feeling well anything?"

She says " No no sweetie I'm fine. I promise."

I help her up and walk to Daryl. I hand him my big knife.

I say " Keep it on you anywhere you go. I don't wanna save your life again. Got it"

He nods and I walk to where Carl and Rick are. Rick looks confused.

I say " Allan, he was a walker but didn't have a bite or scratch.  would that be possible?"

I hear coughing, I look over to see someone I never met coughing.

I say " Allan was coughing the other day. Maybe its a sickness? Is that possible. I mean could it go through the air?"

Rick says " Just to be on the safe side, anyone that's coughing stays in here. We will clear out another cell block for people who are not coughing. I'll talk to Hershal about it."

I nod and walk to my cell.

Carl walks in and says " Me, dad, Daryl and Michonne are going on a run.You want to come?"

I say "  yeah!"

He says " Great, grab your things and meet us in the car."

I nod and he walks off. I grab my stuff and walk to the gate.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now