Times up

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I run as fast as I can to Rick, who is working on the farm. He looks up at me and smiles.

He says "I see you made it back!"

I say "Not for long! We have to leave. Prepare for war. Something? He's coming Rick! He wants me."

Carl says "Why did you lead them here!"

I say "I didn't! They already knew. A man named Martinez helped me! He said he would kelp the way so we can start pre-"

BOOM! A tank comes in and hits one of the guard towers. BOOM! It hits the next guard tower.  Rick looks at me and runs to the fence line to talk. Carl grabs my hand. I pull away and run into the prison.

I yell "Everyone! Keep calm and do  your job! Lizzie grab Judith and her bag! Mika come with me!"

They all do what there told and panicked. I sigh and grab Mika's hand. Lizzie comes running to us with Judith.

I say "We have to go! The tank will draw walkers here. They will cover this place in seconds!"

Lizzie says "What about the others!"

I say "Go get on the bus! Stay there! I'm going to get Carl!"

I run to where I last saw him. He's not here. I run around the prison. Then I see him. Shooting walkers down, with tears in his eyes. I run to him and pull my gun out. I start shooting with him. One by one.

I say "Carl! There's to many! We have to go! Find Rick, survivors."

He keeps shooting. He starts shooting blanks.

I say "Carl! We have to go!"

I run to him and pull his arm. He breaks and runs with me. We run out in the field and see him. My father beating rick up. I run to them and point my gun at his heads.

I say "Get off off him now."

I hear Carl shooting surounding walkers. I look at my father. The one person I used to love. Until he did that horrible thing to me. I click the gun and he stands up and gets off Rick.

He says "Baby, don't do this. We can live!"

I say "Where's Merle?"

He says "Here. I promise."

A lady runs up with a child in her arms.

She says "Brian! Brian no! Don't kill him!"

I say "Why not?"

She says "He's my boyfriend. Don't."

I say "Yeah, he's my father."

I pull the trigger and fall with him. Killing someone isn't just something you can do. Carl puts his hand on my back, leading me to the forest. We get to the forest line and walkers come after us. One stands out.

"Merle? Merle! NO!!!"

I scream and fall to the ground crying. Merle, he's gone. Gone! All because of my stupid  dad! This is all my fault. Carl quickly picks me up and runs through the forest, with me in his hands. I move closer to his chest and cry. Merle, gone. Daryl, gone. Beth, gone. Who knows who made it on the bus! I hit the air in anger!

Carl says "Where's my dad!?"

I hop out of his arms and look around.

I say "Rick?"

The forest leaves tussle and a person comes out. I can't tell who it is? I hold my gun up, even though it don't have anything in it.

I say "Who the hell are you?"

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now