The house

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We have been walking for about 5 days. Haven't found a sign yet. Logan got bit. My best friend, gone. I never thought he would die. We still haven't found Rick. No sign of him. I miss Michonne. She was like a mom. I pull my diary out and start to write in it.

Dear Diary,

Its been a while. To be honest I forgot about you. Carl found you in his bag. The fact that I killed my dad haunts me. He was someone I loved once. Now all I love is the prison family. They could be dead though. I hope not. Rick, Judith, Michonne, Lizzie and Mika are the ones I need to find. There the most important to me now because there closes to me. Carl and Daryl are safe with me and I'll risk my life for them. Even Beth. Anyone. Were heading to terminus. Let's pray its safe.

~City Dixon

I lay my diary down and Carl comes in my room. We found a house to stay in for the night.

He says "What wrong babe?"

I say "Well, everything. Carl I made promises that I can't keep anymore. It breaks me. Lizzie and Mika Molly and Luke. They won't make it on there own. There gone now. What if were next? Logan's gone. What if its Beth? Daryl? What about us? Carl, were always running. We don't have time for each other."

He sits down and looks at me. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me in.

He says "I know things won't he the same City. But, we have now together. While we rest. We can make it through this. Everything always happens for a reason."

He kisses my neck. I lean my head over to give him more room. He says something but i dont catch it. He flips me over and kisses my lips. Its not a hard or forceful kiss but a nice passionate kiss. Our lips move in sync. Someone clear's there voice. We both turn our head and look at Daryl. My cheeks heat up and turn bright red.

He says "City, can I talk to you for a moment."

I look at Carl and he nods his head. I lean down and kiss him once more. I get off of him and walk to Daryl. We walk outside.

He says "I want to go find Merle and Rick."

My heart drops. He doesn't know yet. I frown and look at him.

I say "Daryl, Merle died at the prison. He was a walker. He's gone"

I hold back my tears and walk back inside with him behind me. I walk back to Carl. He looks at me and down.

He says "I heard. I'm sorry."

I say "No don't be. Its okay. I have to accept it. He's gone."

He nods and pulls me on his lap. I lay my head on his shoulder. He kisses my cheek and leans us back. We lay there a while. I fall asleep on top of him.

**Carl's POV**

City fell asleep. I can tell because her breathing evened out. She whimpers in her sleep and whispers my name. I smile and look at her. She's adorable. I wish things were they was they used to be at the prison. I miss my dad and everyone. Its not City's fault her father came after us and I refuse her to let her blame herself. It had nothing to do with her. It wasn't just her he wanted it was her and the prison. So, it would have happened anyways. She needs to see that.

She's beating herself up for it. Even when she shouldn't. I sigh and run my fingers through her hair. I kiss her forehead and fall asleep.

~Carl's dream~

I'm running from walkers with City.

I say "Stay right here. I'll lead them away."

she say "No! We run together!"

I say "I love you City."

I kiss her and run off. I ran for about 2 minutes until I hear a scream. Not just any scream but City's scream. I run back to where I left her shooting walkers as I go. I get to her and she staring at me. She's in shock. I look down and see she was shot. I look around then back to her. But she's not herself. She's one of them.

I yell "No City! No!"

I fall to the ground crying. I scream and she comes at me. I point my gun at her and shoot. Then I point the gun at my head. I shoot ending my life. I wake up to a tree. I see Sophia, Lizzie, and Mika. Lizzie runs up to me and pulls me to the tree. She walks around it and I follow her. I see someone in a white dress with there hair flowing out. There's a taller lady sitting next to her. The taller lady looks at me and smiles. Then I realize its my mom. I run to her and hug her.

I say "Mom."

Then the smaller girl turns around with tears in her eyes. I see its City.

She says "Carl? No why are you here? You could have beat the world."

I say "Not without you."

I pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead.

~end of dream~

I wake up with City in my arms. I sigh in relief and kiss her forehead. I lay back and fall asleep

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now