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**City's POV**

I wake up shaking. I look around and I'm in a bed alone. I sigh and climb out. I go down stairs but no one's there. Hmm that's not normal.

I say "Hello?"

No answer. I go back up stairs and grab my gun. I point it around the house. I hear foot steps coming from outside. I slowly walk to the door and open it with my gun in my hand. There stands, the other group. My eyes widen and I scream.

The leader Joe says "City, calm down. Were not going to hurt you. Where's the rest?"

I say "I- I dont know."

°°°Carl's POV °°°

We just left the house. City died, she stopped breathing. Tears spill down my eyes. None of us could do it so we left her in the house. you can hear everyone's sobs and crys. We all turn our heads when we hear a ear piercing scream. Not just any scream but City's. I know that's hers. I turn and start running for the house. When I get there, I see Joe holding a knife to City's neck. My eyes go wide. She's alive. She whimpers under his arm. She looks me in the eye and I can tell, that she's scared. Her eyes are full of fear, and anger. Everyone else has joined me now.

I say "Just leave her alone. Please."

Joe says "Carl, you know the rules. Claimed."

I say "Shit."

Joe looks at her and smiles. He pushes his body against hers. She wiggles. I take a step closer to him and he puts the knife closer to her neck. I sigh and move back.

Daryl says "Please let her her go."

Joe says "No she's mine."

A chubby guy looks at me and says "Claimed."

He starts walking my way. I back up into Daryl.

City screams "No Carl! Run!!"

I look her and she's trying not to cry. She looks me in the eyes and let's a tear slip.

I say "Can I at least say goodbye to her. Even if were going to the same place. I need to tell her something important that she needs to know."

Joe says "Fine hurry up."

He pushes her to me and points a gun at her.

I say "City, we don't have much time but I need you to know that I'm sorry. I promised that I would keep you safe and I can't do that anymore. I love you so much. Any other time I said it, I wasn't sure but now I am and I'm happy to say that City Marie Dixion I love you more than anything in the world. I need you to know that. Remember it even after what happens to us. I love you."

She says "Carl, I love you so much. If I die and you don't. Take care of everyone for me. Including yourself. I love you so so so much."

I lean in and kiss her. Joe looks at us like were crazy.

He says "I have a idea. Hey Jacob ( Carl's claimer ), why don't we put them in a room together and watch them have fun. Live porn right in front of us."

Jacob says "That's a great idea."

I look at City who is already looking at me. I grab her hand and pull her behind me. We both jump when we hear a gunshot. I look at City and she looks at me. She turns around and gasps. I turn around and smile and run to him.. My dad.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now