Only chance

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Were about 5 minutes away from the house. I turn my head and look at Carl.

I say "I'm scared. I don't know why. I just am."

He says "Everything will be okay. We can beat this world together. No matter what we can live"!

I say "What if we loose each other? Then what. That can't happen-"

He says "Not even then. You don't risk your life for me. I might for you but you can't for me."

I look at him in the eyes and see that he's dead serious. That's not going to stop me though. If we get slit up, them I'm going to find him. No matter how much my life gets in risk. We walk up the road the house is on. We walk up the yard and a man we didn't know put a gun at us.

He says "Who are you!?"

I say "I'm a Dixon. Where my family? They were here before you guys."

He says "No one was here, When we got here all it was, was a shirt."

I say "Can I search the house, my family was here and we were to before things happened. We won't take anything, and you can have my gun until I get back."

He looks at me and nods. I hand him my gun and follow him inside. I look in the room me and Carl stayed in. Nothing. I look in all the rooms. The last one I find Rick. In the bathroom. Hiding.

He says "Are you okay! Where's Carl!? Is he okay!? I thought you  both died!"

I say "No Rick were both fine. Me and Carl got kidnapped, but escaped. We have been to the prison and back here. Looking for you my brother and Michonne. We have two more members in the group."

He says "City! You can't trust adults anymore!"

I say "They were kids! My cousins. I let them in alright!"

He nods. I motion him to come on. He walks out with me and runs to Carl, hugging him.

The guy that took my gun says "Wow. Girl has tracking skills. We could use someone like you.

Care to join us?"

I say "I'm sorry sir. But I have a family I have to take care of. I'm on a search for my brother. I have to keep everyone safe. Pulse there's people after me. That you don't want to mess with. Sorry. We will see each other again."

He says " This is your only chance? Are you sure?"

I say "Yes. My family needs me."

I look at Carl and Rick. I nod and Carl wraps his hand around my waist. I smile and turn and start walking. Im sad that we didn't find my brother. I miss him. We need to go on a family hunting trip.

I say "So where is Daryl? He was there when we got kidnapped."

Rick says "He went out looking for you! He went to a town called Woodbury."

I sigh. Wait Woodbury? That's where we were. My eyes grow big. I drop my bag and start running to Woodbury.

Carl and Rick chase after me yelling things like "City", "Get back here" or "What's wrong!"

I finally get there. To the sign. The sign that says Woodbury.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now