just a dream

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I sit up. I think I'm dreaming. I sigh and climb out of bed. I walk down stairs and see my mother, father, and brothers being a family.

I say " hey guys".

they keep talking about me? I walk over and touch Daryl's face. He seems different. Something has changed. Maybe him. He's quiet, not like when he's with me. When were together he's smiling, laughing and always happy. Wait, why isn't anyone paying attention to me? I scream at the top of my lungs. Nope not even a flinch. Am I dead? I run back to where I was laying and I can see myself. huh? That's weird.Yep I'm dreaming. There is no way my family would be together like that. Pluse were in a zombie Apocalypse. My moms dead to. So why would I have this dream? Most dreams mean things. Maybe its a reminder of how life was. How it could have been. Maybe how me and Carl's could be. So that means they would find a cure.

I wake up and look next to me. Carl's there. Okay life is back. That was just a dream. Okay good. I sigh In relief and pull out of Carl's grip. I can't believe he's still asleep. its like 12 maybe 1 in the afternoon. I go into the living room. Rick is pacing back and fourth.

I say " What's wrong Rick? You okay?"

He says " What? Nothings wrong. Why would you think that?"

There is something wrong.

i say " your pacing back and forth."

He says " City, I need you to listen to me okay?"

I say " yeah. Sure. "

He says " Daryl got bit. He left so none of us would have to kill him."

I say " your kidding right. I'll wake up and it will all just be a dream. Daryl will be on the couch and I'll be in Carl's arms and everything will be okay. We will be back at the prison and we will all wake up and it will be a dream."

I squeeze my eyes shut and open them. Still here, I guess I gotta do something crazy. Maybe stab myself. Yeah that will work. Even though legend says if you die in a dream you die in real life. I sigh real loud and pull out my knife.

Rick say " City, what are you doing."

I say " well, I gotta stab myself so I'll wake up from this dream."

Rick say " City, listen to me. This is not a dream. This is life. "

I drop my knife and start crying again. I can't do it. I just can't. I slid to the ground and pull my knees up to my chest. I sob loudly in my knees. I'm alone in this world. Great. I lay here sitting in the middle of the floor for about a hour. All I do is stare off into space. I refuses to do anything else. Daryl was someone I loved and now he's gone. That proves that everyone you love dies at some point. I love Carl. Dose that mean he's gonna turn? No no I can't loose everything. Not both of them. I want to find Daryl. I don't won't him to suffer. I love him. I just don't want to find him and I wouldn't be able to do it. If that happens then I would have to run away. I wouldn't be able to let Carl know. I would have to kill myself. I don't know if I could do that. Ugh.

Rick says " City, you need to eat."

I say " I'm not hungry. Give it to Carl."

Rick says "No. Eat, now".

I say " I said I'm not hungry okay."

I get up and walk upstairs and climb out the window onto the roof. I crawl to the middle and pulls my knees to my chin. I look off in the distance. I see a walker. I crawl to the edge of the roof and jump off. I pull my knife out and walk towards the walker. As I get closer I realize it's not a walker it's a human. It's Michonne! I run to her and hug her! I start crying on her shoulder.

She says " what's wrong kiddo?"

I say " Daryl got bit. He ran away".

She says " No he didn't. I just say him. He said he was going on a run. That's how I found you. He told me where to go."

I say " How long ago was that! I need to find him!"

She says " like 3 minutes ago."

I start running in the direction she came from. I hear her following me. I see him walking down the street. I run as fast as I could and tackled him. I hug him and climb off of him. I help him up and smack him.

I says " what the crap! I hate you!"

I'm going to show him how mad I am at him. I'm going to ignore him. I won't eat the food he offers me. I'm going to show him what I can do. I turn away from him and start walking back. He's not bit. He would have turned by now. I get to the door and open it. I storm past Rick.

I yell " Daryl and Michonne are coming!"

I go to the room me and Carl stayed in and open the door. Theres a walker in there! I stab it in the head and look around.

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now