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Merle grabs me by my wrist and pulls me to his cell. I fight back as much as possible. Trying to slow him down.
I yell " Daryl! "
Merle says " He ain't gonna help you little sister. Not this time.."
I wiggle out of his grip and run down stairs with him chasing after me. I run into Daryl's arms and start crying. I guess he already knows what happened because he starts rubbing circles in my back.
He says " I'm here City. Ain't nobody gonna get you. I promise. I'm right here."
I'm walking home after having a great day with my friends. When someone grabs me and pulls me in a ally. I wiggle and scream until everything goes black. I thought I was  dead, but I wake up to Daryl shaking me and screaming "wake up". We kept it a secret from anyone and ever since then I freaked out when someone grabbed me. I mean who wouldn't. Thank God that I wasn't dead. Daryl heard me scream and beat the crap out of the guy.
~end of flashback~
I nuzzle my head in his chest and stay there. Merle comes walking down the stairs and Daryl give him a 'I'm going to kill you look'. I lift up from his chest and nod at him. I walk back up to wear Carl's at. He looks up at me and gets up. He hugs me as tight as he can.
I say " did someone miss me?"
He looks me up and down and says " did he hurt you. Are you okay? Do you need anything?"
I say " Carl. I'm fine. Nothing happened. I just freaked out. I do that when people snatch me like that. Its a old memory that happened before this horrible world."
He sighs in relief and says " Do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head no and walk back to the rest of the group. Time to meet everybody. So far I know Merle, Daryl, Carl, Rick and me. I hope there's a girl my age I can get along with. I need someone to tell everything to. You know kinda like a best friend. I have Carl but what if I want to talk about him. I don't know. A girl can dream. Lately I have learned not to get hooked on people. You always lose them. I learned that the hard way.

Me and Denver was walking to the local store to get more food. We clear everything out and start walking back. That's when a walker comes up behind Denver and takes a bite out of her neck. I kill the walker and run to her side.
I say " Denver, no no this can't be happening."
she looks at me and hold out her heart necklace. I take it and slid it in my pocket.
She says " City you have to do it. I don't want to suffer. Please."
That's when she passes out. She's dead. I pull my knife out and stab it in her skull. I let a tear roll down my face. I quickly wipe it away and walk back home. Her dying screams still fill my head at times.
~end of flashback~

You're my everything ( a Carl Grimes love story )Where stories live. Discover now