Night time c:

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**City's POV**

Me and Carl walk hand in hand down to the dinner table. Everyone is still eating. Great, perfect time to bring up my memory. Me and Carl sit down next to each other and grab some food.

I say " So, you know I had a dream a few minutes ago. Well, maybe you can call it a memory. Thanks for keeping it from me. The fact that my brother stabbed me and almost killed me. That's not anything I need to know. And no don't look at Carl. He didn't say anything. Like I said I dreamed it and put two and two together. I'm going to see him tomorrow. Alone."

I finish eating and walk back to my cell. I find some clothes to change into and change into them. I don't really care if people see me. Carl walks in wraps his arms around my waist. I Finnish sliding my shirt down and turn around so I'm facing him. I kiss him and wrap my arms around his neck because I had nothing to do with my hands.

He says " You know your kisses are adorable right?"

I say " Of course. I'm only adorable when I wanna be."

We let go of each other and I start to shake. Its kind freezing. Well, it might just be me but I'm sure ain't warm.

He says " Are you cold babe?"

I smile. I like it when he calls me that. It shows people that I'm his and only his.

I say "mhmm."

He pulls the covers off my bed and motions me to lay down. I do as I'm told and lay down. He covers me up and slides in next to me. He takes his shirt off and wraps his arms around me. His body heat is keeping me warm. I can feel him breathing on my neck. He's thinking about kissing me. He goes for it and kisses me on my cheek I sigh. I'm relaxed and he can tell because he smiles. I guess I fell asleep because I'm now into a nice dream. Well, I wouldn't say nice. Just a very weird dream.

~City's dream~

I get up and look around. I bump into Rick. I look up at him and he leans down and kisses me. What the?

I say " What was that for"?

He says " for being the best wife ever.?"

Wife? I look down and sure enough there's a ring there.

I say " What about Lori, Carl, and Judith?"

He looks at me and says " who are they?"

I'm shocked. What  is this.

I say " Are we still in a Zombie Apocalypse? Where are we? I'm so confused?"

He says " Babe, calm down. The zombie Apocalypse was 8 years ago. where at home. We had fun last night. Remember. We went out with friends"

okay I'm lost. Did me and Rick get married or something? Is the world back to normal?

He leans down and kisses me. He puts his hands on my waist.  Oh god no. Wake up City. Come on please. Please wake up. Now. This is just a dream. Please! City. I pinch myself but that don't work. I'm kissing Rick back because I don't want to draw attention to myself. He's actually a good kisser. Crap, City what's wrong with you. You love Carl. You can't like this dream. It would be wrong..

~End of dream~

I sit up and see that Carl's gone. Gosh where is he. I sit up and stumble into the kitchen area. Not there. I walk outside to the guard tower. I climb the latter and see Daryl and Carl talking. They don't see me so I listen.

Daryl says " So nothing happened between you and City tonight?"

He says " umm no. Just kisses here and there."

Daryl watches him with the death stare.

I poke my head up and say " Quit Daryl. your gonna scare him to death."

Carl says " Babe, what are you doing out of bed? You should be getting your sleep."

I say " I had a bad dream. Well it was weird. and I noticed you wasn't in the room. So I came to find you."

He says " what was the dream about. Everything makes it better when you talk about it."

I say " Well, this is going to be so weird but umm in the dream me and your dad were married. He had no idea who you or Judith were. Then he like kissed me. The world was normal again. It was 8 years since the zombie Apocalypse. It was just so weird. I hated it and it was like I couldn't wake up from it. It just felt so weird making out with him. It was like the worse dream ever."

Daryl looks at me and smiles. Woah was there something I'm missing. He looks at Carl and motions him back to the prison.

He stands up and says " Come on. Let's get back to bed. We need it."

I nod and he goes down the latter. When I get to the bottom Carl picks me up and sets me down on the ground. We walk hand in hand back to our cell. I slide in first and comes after me. I cover us up and get comfy.  He lays one arm around my waist and stops at my lower back. So his hand is around my waist and on my back. The other hand is holding mine. My head is Nuzzled in his chest. We both kiss each other and fall asleep.

**Carl's POV**

This is great. Our hands fit perfect together. I think I might love her. I'm pretty sure I do. I keep thinking about that and fall asleep.

**Carl's dream**

I sit up and look around. City is laying next to me. I hear a baby crying.

City says " Babe will you go get her. Please."

I say " Umm yeah. I got it."

I get up and walk down the hall. I walk into the first room I see. Its a baby girls room. Woah, me and City had a kid. A girl to. The worlds back to normal. Me and City look like where in our 20's. I pick the baby up. I guess her name is Shelby because it says " Shelby Mae Grimes " on the wall, with pictures all over it. I shush the baby and she falls back asleep. I lay her back down and walk back to my room. City's not there. Weird. I hear muffled screams. Its faint but I can still hear it. I run down stairs and see a clown holding a knife to her. While people is taking our stuff.

He says " Sit down sunny boy."

I sit down because I don't want City to get hurt.  She's staying quiet. Simply because she's used to it and she don't want me or Shelby getting  hurt. I'm guessing, that sounds like her.  She wiggles a little.

He says " Don't try anything little girl. Or I'll have my boys go get that little baby up stairs."

Her eyes widen and she doesn't move a muscle. Come on Carl. Wake up please. You can keep seeing this. This is horrible. You gotta help her.

**End of Carl's dream**

I wake up and check on City right away. She's the same way she was when I feel asleep. I sigh in relief. She's okay. Knowing she is okay makes me feel better and I fall back asleep.

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