The new kid ~2~

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My long blue hair flowed behind me as I ran down the streets to get to school as fast as I could. I was gonna be late! It isn't helping that my bag is heavy and I have my violin in hand either. I have lessons after school today, and it's easier to go straight from school. I tapped my toe impatiently as the light turned red and I had to stop in my path. The school was just right there! I could see it!

The light turned green after what seemed like an eternity, and I crossed the road. I made it to school and as I walked down the hall, I seemed to bump into someone. The person fell to the floor, and I turned around to see someone with white... hair? On the floor. He wasn't wearing the uniform so... where was he from? I turned around and ran to class after giving him a quick apology. Now I would've helped him up under other circumstances, but the bell was going to ring anytime now, and my class was right there.

I ran into the class and sat in my seat just as the bell rang. Thankfully, the teacher wasn't here. But now, thanks to that running I was all sweaty. I don't mind sweating, but having to smell bad the whole day? Not too fond of it.

A few second after me, the teacher came into class. "Hello class! Today, I would like to introduce you to a new student." He said.

The door opened, and all our heads turned towards the door. The person who stepped through the door, was the boy from the hallway. He had his hands in his pockets and walked up to the front of the room.

"Hey! My name is Travis Valkrum." He said. There were some whispers from around the room. As soon as someone new came, everyone judged them. Their clothes, voice, hair, eyes everything was judged. And so you had to be very careful on your first day.

He was wearing a teal sweater and black pants. It was nothing special... just simple. Many people on their first day of school don't wear their uniform, because sometimes they don't get it on time. His introduction was just so simple too.

The only things that weren't plain about him were his eyes and his hair. His eyes were green like some others but his were bright, but at the same time sad. His white hair seemed soft and they were white! It looked like marshmallows.

He seemed to catch me look at him, and he winked at me. Oh. He was that kind of guy. I looked away and pretended not to notice, so it wouldn't be as rude. "Ok. Travis you will sit..." The teacher scanned the room and I prayed hoping he won't notice the empty seat beside me. I liked to sit alone. The teacher's eyes landed on the spot beside me and smiled. (The tables are the big ones with 2 chairs on each)

"Ok Travis, please sit beside the lady with the blue hair. Her name is Katelyn." Travis came and sat beside me.

"Hey Katelyn!" He said. I ignored him continuing to listen to the teacher talking. He then tapped me. "Heeeeeeey Katelyn." I growled. "Don't greet me like that ever! Again. It gets on my nerves."


Class was a pain. Travis wouldn't stop trying to get my attention. I had almost run out of class to get away from Travis.

I held my violin as I walked around, since I didn't have enough time in the morning to put it in my locker. I felt better having it by my side anyways.

For the next period, Aphmau and I were in the same class. I sat near the back and waited for Aphmau to come. I stared at my violin case, waiting for my friend to come and sit beside me. I thought about how I started playing the violin. I knew when I was smaller, I just started to suddenly like music. But why?

As I thought, someone sat in the seat beside me. "Hey!" I said and turned around to be faced with Travis. "Heeey Katelyn!" I sighed in annoyance. "That, is where my friend will be seated." "What girl?" He asked.

"A girl named Aphmau." I said as his face lit up. "Oh ya that girl! She's really nice. But... she's sitting there." Travis pointed to a seat behind me, and I turned around to see Aphmau sitting down with Kawaii~Chan.

"Traitor." I grumbled as I turned back around. "Well... anyways I would like to sit alone, so could you move out of that seat?" I asked kindly.

"No." he smirked.

"What!?" I asked in shock. What was this guys problem? "No. there's no other seats open, so no." He said. "Not my problem. Get. Out." I gritted through my teeth.

"Nope." He said and smiled showing his teeth. "WHY YOU-" I was cut off by the teacher coughing. I looked down in embarrassment. I didn't notice him go up to the front of the room! I looked to the right to see Travis smiling as if to say 'Ha! Not my fault you got in trouble.' I glared at him and focused my attention back to the teacher.


After 80 minutes of hell (aka Travis annoying me) I went down to the cafeteria and started to eat lunch with Nicole, Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan and Cadenza. As we were silently munching on our food, out of the blue, Aphmau said "So Katelyn. What is it with you and the new boy... Travis?"

"What do you mean?" I asked completely oblivious to her wiggling her eyebrows and smirking. "Well... do you have something for him?" I swallowed my food and said, "For that thing!? No way."

Aphmau smirked. "But you guys were sitting beside each other in both classes and you were talking to each other the whole time!" I heard Kawaii~Chan squealing and said "A new ship!" I frowned at the idea. "1, it wasn't my decision and 2, more like he was talking to me and I was on the verge of strangling him so he'll just stop."

"Fine. What about you and Dante?" She asked turning to Nicole. "I-" I cut her off. "No way in hell are you two ever dating." I said. Nicole frowned "whatever."

"Fine. Katelyn, if you had to date a guy in the school who will you date?" I was about to say no one, when someone leaned on the chair I was sitting on. "I'm curious to that question as well."

It was Travis. I quickly stood up, causing Travis to stumble and look dumb. I laughed. "Ha! Loser. The question was no one anyways. Too bad." I grabbed my lunch bag and walked away, trying to get away from him as soon as possible.

Hey guy! I started writing this book, b/c I love music, and I love travlyn as well. I thought that maybe if I wrote about things I knew a lot about and loved, that I will be able to continue. Thanks for reading this chapter and have a great day!

Question of the day: What do you think my favourite colour is? Comment what you think, and the answer will be on the next chapter!

Hint: It's an amazing colour! XD

Word count: 1242

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