The fight ~23~

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"Hey!" Travis opened the door and greeted me just as I was about to ring the doorbell. "Long time no see!"

"We saw each other yesterday." I said.

"Not seeing you for over 6 hours is too long for me." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Ignoring his stupid remark I just went into his house. "I've been wondering... Where is your piano?"

"Follow me!" He said as he walked upstairs and to the door furthest down the hallway.

I followed behind him surveying my surroundings. I had been upstairs, but hadn't really looked around the place, considering how the first door I opened led to Travis' room.

It was pretty plain. The walls were painted white, which was a bit different from the very light green walls downstairs. There was a black carpet along the floor, and some furniture here and there.

He opened the door to reveal a room with a big shiny black Yamaha piano. There was also a white desk, on which he probably does his homework, and paper thrown here and there across the room. There was also a big pile of music books and such in the corner of the room.

He scratched his head and let out a small laugh. "Sorry it's a bit messy. I opened the window before you came and the breeze kinda carried the sheet music all across the room. I didn't have enough time to pick them all up. Heh..."

"It's fine. Do you have a music stand?" I asked him.

"Yeah lemme go get it." He said as he left the room.


"No no! You played that part wrong again!" I said correcting the part he played wrong for the third time.

Travis sighed. "Sorry."

"Ok once more." We played the piece again, but this time we weren't together. I stopped playing and shook my head.

"Can you follow me more? It's my performance and I'll be doing it at my pace so can you?" I said getting a bit ticked off because it wasn't working out.

"I'll try..." he mumbled.

We played it again and we played it good, but I felt like something was missing.

I tilted my head to the side as I showed my dissatisfaction towards how we played.

"I feel like... something is missing! There's one more crucial thing we need..." I trailed of as I walked around in circles thinking.

"What do you think it is?" I asked him out of frustration.

Travis stood up and banged the piano keys, causing a mess of jumbled notes to come out. "What do I think it is!? I think it's the lack of feeling! You're bossing me around as if I'm just supposed to follow every single one of your orders, and you're not even trying to be nice about it! Do you think I'd be willing to play like this? In this state of mind we'd never play how you wish! You need to learn how to do some team work before you come and we play together. It just doesn't work out!" He yelled.

I stood there in shock for a while. I hadn't ever seen Travis so mad, and that was so sudden.

"Well I'm sorry! I'm working hard because I want to achieve my goal! If you don't want to practice with me then get out! It's a waste of my time!" I yelled back at him.

Travis then left the room as he slammed the door behind him. After a while, I grabbed my things and left his house.

Confused as hell, I went to Aphmau's house for help. She answered the door and let me in after hearing that I needed some help.

We went into her room, and I told her about what had happened.

"I know I can be mean at times, but that's just how I am, and he just snapped at me! And then I... ugh!" I yelled.

"It's ok Katelyn. Just calm down first." She said and I nodded.

Travis' P.O.V

I sighed as I went into my own room. A bit later I heard Katelyn also leave the house.

I sighed and jumped into my own bed trying not to think of what happened.


My phone rang and I groaned and picked it up to see it was from Dante.

"What?" I asked him.

"Hey I'm coming over ok? See ya!" He said.

"Wait no-" I was cut off.

A few seconds later, I heard the doorbell ring. I walked downstairs and I was taking my time, but Dante couldn't seem to wait and started ringing the bell over and over again.

"I'm coming!" I yelled as I ran down the rest of the stairs and opened the door to see a grinning Dante.

"Hey Travis! Wait... what's wrong?" He asked.

I ushered him in and I told him what happened still trying to suppress my anger.

"She treats me like I'm her servant! She doesn't even care of how I feel. How can I feel playing like that?" I asked him.

Dante then seemed to think, which was a pretty rare sight. "Well you know Katelyn. She's very hot headed and straightforward so her words can sting at times, but she's a really nice person and she's just not that good at dealing with words in the heat of the moment." He said and I nodded realizing it was true.

"I understand you're upset, but you have to consider that a bit more and calm down and reflect on what happened." He said. "Once you are, try to talk it out with her, but no yelling. Got it?" He asked me and I nodded.

I've never seen Dante like this and it shocked me a lot. He usually just fooled around, but he sounded so serious today.

Dante looked down at his wristwatch and stood up. "Well gotta go!"

As he closed the door he said, "Oh and if it doesn't work just kiss her. That'll work on any girl." And winked.

"Thanks!" I yelled back to him.

Hey guys! Guess what!? I'm in Japan! But now I'm in a different time zone as my friends and can't text them much ;-;

QOTD: What's your OTP?

Answer: Travlyn no doubt :P

In Harmony -A Travlyn FFWhere stories live. Discover now