First date!? ~12~

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As we were walking down the street, I remembered about the music and my questions.

I pulled out the sheet music from my bag and showed it to him. "Over here and here," I said pointing to various place, "It sounds weird. I think you're making a mistake."

Travis took the paper and looked at it closely. "Heh... I didn't notice."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Doesn't your piano teacher tell you?" I asked him.

Travis scratched his head nervously. "I... I don't really ya know... have a piano teacher."

"Say what!?"

"I don't hav-" I cut him off. "I heard that! But why don't you have a piano teacher! You're still advancing and you need a piano teacher!" I said practically yelling at him.

"When I came here I just couldn't find a piano teacher around my area."

I put the music in my bag. "I know a good music teacher. She's my violin teacher and she teaches the piano as well. You're coming with me when I next have lessons, so you can start getting proper lessons."

Travis reluctantly nodded and then the conversation was filled with silence. This is the first ever real awkward silence between us.

"So where are you taking us?" I asked him. Travis smirked. "Well, if I tell you it won't be a surprise would it?" He asked me and I pouted.

"But I don't like surprises!" I said. Travis just smiled more at that. "Well I'm sure you're going to like this place."

We then went to a complex with many stores. I decided to not guess where we were going, because there were many stores and many possibilities.

We passed by a movie theatre, a bowling arena and an arcade. Geez! There were so many things in just one area! When we reached the middle, Travis stopped us.

"So which store do you want to go to?" Travis asked me. My face lit up. Yo this is amazing!

I turned towards one store already knowing my answer. "Let's go to the arcade. I'm going to beat ya at all of them!"


As we left the arcade we both had victorious faces. We bet on some games, and now we owed each other one thing each.

"Travis you can go first." I told him and he grinned.

That grin seemed very evil to me. What was he up to?

"I want you to come on another date with me."

"Ok." I said shrugging because it didn't seem too bad. Then I realized what he said. "Did you just-"

"AND you have to wear a dress." He said and my jaw dropped open.

"Wait wait wait first of all, This was a date!? And two, I am not wearing a dress."

"Of course this was a date! And second of all, this is a bet. You have to accept."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. It's my turn right? Hmm.... Pay for the dinner, and go skydiving."

Travis' eyes widened. "Skydiving!?"

"Yup." I said. "The one where u fall from a plane and may die."

Travis turned white. "No way am I doing that!"

I laughed out loud. "I'm just kidding. All you have to do is pay for the dinner. That's all."

"Ok that's good." Travis said with a small laugh.

"Let's go to the restaurant!" I said as we started to walk towards the restaurant.

The sun was already setting leaving the sky with various shades of red, orange, and yellow mending into each other, to turn into night time where the beautiful dots of stars scattered around the ink black sky. Dark, as if someone spilled ink all over it, but left the various places where the stars stay.


While we were eating dinner in the restaurant, Travis and I started to argue about who was better at dodgeball.

"I'm always the last one standing." Travis said.

"Well maybe you're the last one standing because you couldn't defend your team! I on the other hand, knocked out the most enemies and I stay standing in almost every game!"

"What do you mean almost!?"

"They ganged up on me! Once they gathered all the balls, they threw it at me! How was I supposed to dodge like 10 million balls!" I said in my own defence.

"Ya right." He snorted.

I gasped. "YOU WANNA GO!?" I yelled at him standing up and throwing one of my fries towards him.

"SURE! LET'S HAVE A GAME OF DODGEBALL!" Travis yelled standing up as well.

"NOT JUST DODGE BALL. LET'S HAVE A WATER BALLOON FIGHT!" I said and now we were yelling in each other's faces in a restaurant.


"BRING IT ON!" I yelled back at him.

One of the waiters asked us to be quiet so we sat back down evil grins on both of our faces.

Oh how he was going to regret this.


Gah! I had 2 concerts that I performed at so I was exhausted and now I'm sick... anyways,

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Please comment, vote, and tell your friends about my story. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go back to watch my anime.

Question: What's your favourite tv show or anime?

In Harmony -A Travlyn FFWhere stories live. Discover now