The perfect comfort ~11~

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I buried my face knowing who the voice belonged to and not wanting to face them now. Of course he'd be here.

"What happened?" The voice asked me softly but I didn't look up refusing to answer.

After a moment of silence I heard footsteps heading towards me. I was going to look up and tell the person to leave when they suddenly hugged me.

I turned stiff not knowing how to react to it. I was surprised and taken aback but I didn't resist because I needed the comfort right now.

After a while, my tears stopped streaming and he took a step back seeing that I had calmed down.

He then grinned. "I knew you liked me." He said with a wink. I groaned.

"Of course I don't Travis you dork. I'm too good for u." I said rolling my eyes but after a while I let out a laugh. I was really thankful of Travis. If he hadn't come I would've probably still be thinking of Jeffory instead of putting my time to good use.

"Do you want to do anything for the rest of lunch?" Travis asked me.

I pretended to think even knowing the answer already. "Let's practice. I'll go get my violin. You stay here and do whatever." Travis nodded and I left the room to get my stuff.

As I left Travis said, "You can come to me for anything you know." And I smiled a little. "Thanks Dork."

Once I got home, Travis texted me.

T: Are you free tomorrow?

K: 'Course not. We have school smart ass.

T: Well ya know... tomorrow is a P.A day. We don't have school

K: Wait... We don't!?

T: Well I'm guessing you're free. Wanna hang out?

K: Umm... No? ._.

T: I'm not taking no as an answer...

K: Fine. Where at? What time?

T: Come to my house at 11:00 am. You know how to get here right?

K: Ya. See ya then!

I knew if I hadn't given in, he would've kept pestering me and I know very much first hand that that's not fun.

I stared at Travis's and my own music. There was a few parts that Travis played that bothered me. I guess I should let him know tomorrow...

I put my music away and headed downstairs to help cook dinner.


The next day, I was walking down the streets as I was almost at his house. I told my family I was going to hang out with Aphmau, so I absolutely could not ask my dad to drive me there and for him to see Travis. My dad will get the wrong idea.

I did tell Aphmau about this of course, because she is my best friend, but I regretted it as soon as she started to squeal through the phone. I told her that it was no big deal and we were just hanging out, but she had already hung up to obviously tell other people.

I sighed at the thought, as I walked up to Travis's door and pressed the doorbell and held it down just to annoy him. The doorbell kept dinging in a loud buzzy tone.

I heard running steps of someone's coming up to the door. Travis opened the door with a look of shock on his face "Are you trying to make me deaf!?" He asked. His hair was still dripping as if he just came out of the shower, but he seemed to already be dressed.

"Hurry the hell up Travis!" I demanded. "Well I'm sorry! But you came 15 minutes early. Give me a second and I'll be ready!" He yelled as he went upstairs.

"You're 4 minutes 39 seconds late!" I yelled at him and Travis tilted his head to the side in confusion. "But I only took about 5 minutes!" He said.

"You said 'Give me a second,' therefore meaning that u took 4 minutes 39 seconds more than you asked for."

Travis sighed. "I'm sorry for making you wait. Can we go now?" He asked seeming already tired.

On the other hand, I was awake and energetic "Yup! Let's get on going!" I yelled as I pulled him along and started to run down the street.

I was just wearing my casual wear; a tee shirt and shorts, so it was easy to go around with.

As I turned around I realized Travis was smirking. "What?" I asked him as he pulled me into a hug.

"You were holding my hand I see you like me don't you." He said our face inches apart.

My face then flushed red as I looked down flustered. "I-I didn't mean t-to do so!" I stuttered completely embarrassed. Not only from the realization that I held his hand, but as to how close our face was to each other's.

Travis seemed to realize this and found it funny. "We should get going."

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter: I'm trying to make my chapters a little longer. You might not see it but I'll keep trying! So please continue on reading, voting commenting and being amazing! See ya!

Question: what's your favourite restaurant?

In Harmony -A Travlyn FFWhere stories live. Discover now