Sleep over with Dante! ~19~

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After a few hours, we decided it was getting late and we all got ready to go home.

Well... except Dante.

"Hey Travis can I stay here tonight?" He asked laying on the couch. He seemed ready to stay overnight.

"What? No!  Why?" Travis said trying to pull Dante off the couch.

I laughed a bit at the sight.

"Garroth and I are going to go bye guys!" Laurence said as him and Garroth waved goodbye as they left.

"And then there were 6." Dante said.

"Well not anymore! Aaron and I are going to go so good night guys!" Aphmau said as she cheerfully dragged Aaron out of the house.

"And then there were four." Dante said as Travis slapped him.

"Get. Off. Of. My. Couch!" Travis yelled as he got Dante to get off his couch just for Dante to stand up and go on the other couch laughing.

Travis sighed. "You know what? Whatever... you can stay. I'm not making any dinner though."

Travis' P.O.V

After giving in to Dante, Nicole and Katelyn left the house.

"And then there were two..." Dante said.

I got a bit annoyed. Jeez he stays over at someone's house without their full permission, and he does the same jokes over and over.

I walked away to my room and closed the door yelling "And then there was one! So go sleep on that damned hard couch while I sleep on my comfortable bed!"

"This couch is pretty soft!" Dante yelled back.

I ignored him and as time passed I started to hear snoring from downstairs.

I really hate it when people come over and stay at my house overnight. I don't mind in the day or if I know them well and they came many times, but I like to have my moment of silence. True it's lonely when I come home and nobody is there, but I like to think about many things, and that needs silence. And so this is my first sleep over ever. Isn't this just pleasant!

I sighed as I covered my ears with my pillow and attempted to fall asleep.

The next morning I woke up and went downstairs to make breakfast. Dante was still snoring loudly on the couch and I rolled my eyes, but then chuckled.

I went into the other room to go get a black sharpie. I went up to Dante and drew a unibrow, moustache beard and a big "TRAVIS IS THE BEST." Along his forehead.

I took a selfie with him and chuckled to myself how funny he looks.

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast when Dante seemed to wake up from the smell.

He yawned and came over to me. "Good morning."

"Good morning." I said as I placed my bacon and eggs on a plate and grabbed a toast Dante was staring at me.

I walked past Dante and sat on the couch as I turned on the tv and are my breakfast.

"Heh this is kinda awkward." Dante said and I rolled my eyes.

"Well no duh." And I turned to face him and almost let out a laugh.

Dante seemed to notice my reaction and scrunched his eyebrows together. "Hey... is there something on my face?"

I shook my head, barely keeping in my laughter. "It... looks fine!" I said.

Dante then stormed passed me and went to the washroom. A few seconds passed of silence, when I finally heard Dante screaming my name.

"TRAVIS WHAT THE HELL!" Then I heard splashes of water. "IT'S NOT COMING OFF WHAT DID YOU USE!?"

"I may or may not have used sharpie." I said. And Dante started screaming and yelling at me that I burst into laughter.

After a few minutes of the sound of yelling and water running, Dante came back to the room with faded sharpie all over his face.

"U look beautiful today." I said trying to keep a straight face.

Dante sighed and seemed tired already from the morning. "Thanks."

I guess him staying over wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was actually quite fun to have someone to hang out with, except when they're annoying you.

Katelyn's P.O.V

The next day, Aphmau came over to my house, which surprised me. First of all, she came over without telling me and she never does that. Second of all, I wasn't ready and I was still in my Pajamas. Third of all, she stormed into my house with a quick greeting to my family and dragged me into my room. She sat on my bed and motioned for me to join her, and so I hesitantly joined her.

"So what was that from yesterday?" She asked me wiggling her eyebrows.


"Yesterday! Ya know at Travis' house!"

"Ya what happened?"

She sighed. "Yesterday on Travis' dare to kiss the girl he found the most attractive in the group."

"Ohhhh..." I said as I felt my face get a bit hot.

"OOOOH YOU'RE BLUSHING!" She yelled as I frantically ran over to cover her mouth.

"Shush! My dad is going to hear!" I said blushing even more. "And I am not blushing!" I exclaimed.

Aphmau took my hand off and smirked at me. "Ya that's why your face is as red as a tomato."

"Stop it! What about that anyways!?" I asked trying to get her to go back on topic.

"Well so what happened? I was closing my eyes and couldn't see what happened." Aphmau said.

"Well basically, I thought he was going to kiss you as I was closing my eyes, but then I felt that someone was behind me. My reflexes kicked in and as Travis tried to kiss me on the cheek, I turned around and then..."

"And then? Aphmau said wiggling her eyebrows at me."

I sighed. "We kinda ended up kissing?"

Then Aphmau started squealing and jumping around the room. I wonder what Kasey and my dad are thinking right now.

"We're having a sleepover right now!" Aphmau said and I groaned. As much as I love having sleepovers with Aphmau, I'm not that interested in Travis and I only do girl talk sometimes.

Yo! I'm going to Canada's wonderland today to perform! Ahhhh I'm excited! After that our band teacher is allowing us to play! This is probably gonna be the best school day ever! If that even counts XD

In Harmony -A Travlyn FFWhere stories live. Discover now