Annoying ~6~

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I was born in January! It's a later January though. January 28th. Interesting enough, my dad's birthday is one day before mine, which is January 27th, and my friends birthday is right after mine, January 29th.

Now to the story!

Before I headed to the music room after school, I stopped by my locker to get the music that I had already started to learn. I was looking through my music binder for the accompaniment, when I heard a voice behind me.

"Heeeey Katelyn!" He said and I groaned. "What do you need now!?" I asked him. He smiled. "Well I was walking towards the music room and I happened to see you at your locker."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're lying. If you were to be walking towards the music room, you wouldn't have passed by here."


"Why are you here?" I asked him once again. "Aphmau told me your locker number so I just thought I should stop by here."

Aphmau!? She betrayed me! I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Don't come by too much though. It'll be very annoying."

Travis nodded and I continued to search through my music binder. Everything was very annoying now. Travis, Aphmau, my music binder! I guess it's time to organize my binder...

I sighed in frustration and I looked up to Travis. "You could go ahead you know..."

"No thanks. And by the way, what are you looking for? You seem to be having a hard time."

"I'm looking for your part for the piece. The accompaniment but I can't find it!"

"Oh. Do you mean this?" He asked holding out a few sheets of music. I took it from him and looked at him and frowned. "Where did you find this!?"

"As you were searching for it, I saw it fall to the floor and so I picked it up." I frowned at him. "Why didn't you tell me any sooner!? I've been looking for it forever! We wasted so much time."

"Then instead of talking here let's get headed to the music room!" He said as he started walking away. I quickly put my stuff away, locked my locker and quickly caught up to him.

"We never did that race ya know." Travis said. "And I kinda hope we don't do it cause I don't think I'll win..."

"Well that makes me want to do the race much more. Let's do it after practice today. There won't be an audience so it'll be alright. You won't be humiliated when you lose."

"Heh. Guess that's a good thing for me. Anyways let's hurry to the music room. It's already 4:00. Don't wanna stay here too late. Do you?"

I shook my head. "I guess if we're playing music they will know we're here, and won't lock us in here even if we happen to stay too late."

Travis nodded and we stepped through the music room. The evening sky was painted a brilliant orange, fading into some yellow and red. The sun smiled down at the black piano making it shine slightly.

I was staring at the window from the doorway, when Travis sat down at the piano and looked at me. "Are you going to stand there the whole time? You can come in you know."

I blushed in embarrassment because I probably looked really dumb. I walked into the music room, grabbed a stand and got my violin out.

The whole time I was getting ready, Travis just seemed to stare at me.

"Do you have a problem?" I asked him. "Huh?" He asked me.

"You've been staring at me for a while now... kinda creepy."

"Well, I can't help it because you're so beaut-"

I threw an eraser that conveniently was on my stand, at him. I glared at him and Travis seemed to get the hint not to say anything weird.

"Let's start." I said.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I feel like the pace is kinda slow though... anyways, I hope you have a great day and see you later!

Question: what's your favourite colour?

In Harmony -A Travlyn FFWhere stories live. Discover now