I'd have a galaxy in my hand ~29~

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Kacey smiled. "So! Why did you guys hang out today? You didn't bring your violin so you couldn't have been practicing!"

"We were just hanging out." I said.

Kacey smiled. "Nice dress by the way! Never seen you wear a dress outside of formal events."

"Thanks." I said and Kacey stood up.

"Anyways, I'm gonna leave. Hope you had fun on your date!" Kacey said and my eyes widened.

"It wasn't-" I started as Kacey closed the door and left the room.

I sighed and smiled and chuckled a bit to myself. He knew everything. I was glad to have a brother like him. I stood up, and as I was changing I received a text.

T: See you tomorrow at school. Night 💚

Seeing the heart reminded me of what happened and my face turned very hot. Oh how I could have forgotten about it.

K: See ya.

I quickly texted not sure of what else to say.


The next day when I went to school I was running a bit later than usual, so I quickly went to my locker and went to my home room.

I sat down beside Travis and he smiled at me. I tried smiling back, but I think it looked a bit awkward.

Travis seemed a bit confused, and I mentally slapped myself for being so awkward.

I looked at him, but quickly looked away blushing.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I quickly nodded.

"It's nothing! I'm fine." I said still not looking at him.

Class seemed to take forever, but it was finally lunch time.

"Hey Katelyn!" Aphmau said as I approached the table her and Katelyn were sitting at.

"Yo." I said as I sat down.

"Kawaii~Chan's friend is going to join us a bit later on but is that okay? They seemed to always be alone so she invited them!" KC said.

"That's fine with me." I said.

"I'm all for it!" Aphmau said looking a bit excited.

"Aphmau you seem happier than usual what's up?" I asked her.

"Well yesterday, I went to my friends school for helping out, and we were cleaning up-" she started.

"Cut to the chase." I said not wanting to hear the whole story leading to it.

"Basically I ended up meeting FC." She said. "In real life, and he's... Aaron." She said.

"Aaron!? Oh... so he wasn't an old man after all?" I asked her and Aphmau scoffed.

"Where did you get that idea from!?"

"Eh." I said. "I just thought."

"Uh... Kawaii~Chan are you sure I can sit here?" A deep voice asked behind me.

I turned around to see Zane standing there and I jumped in my seat a bit.

"Zane~Kun is welcome to sit with us whenever he wants!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks." Zane seemed to be blushing a bit, probably out of embarrassment. I Can't really tell because you can only see like...  basically his eye. The mask and hair covered everything else. He sat down beside Kawaii~Chan.


After our very, very awkward lunch with Zane, we went to our next class. Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau were chatting and trying to make him feel welcome, he was pretty much silent other than a few words here and there.

I just sat there and observed. Who knew that Kawaii~Chan had been trying to be friends with Zane? I guess knowing her it's not a surprise.

The class ended and we were dismissed.

"Bye Aphmau!" I said.

"Bye Katelyn! Text me about yesterday." She said with a wink. Ugh of course she wouldn't let me off the hook just like that.

I got ready to go home, but as I was about to leave Travis grabbed my arm.

"I wanna talk to you." He said and I nodded. I grabbed my bag and followed him to the music room.

After I entered he closed the door behind us.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." He said. "I should've asked for your permission first, and it's okay that you're mad." He said.

"Huh? I'm not mad." I said confused as to what he was talking about.

"Well you seemed upset this morning, and you're avoiding me." He said.

"Um... oh! You mean that time where I smiled at you? Yeah... It looked a bit awkward didn't it..." I said with a chuckle.

"That was a smile!?" He asked me and I nodded. "Oh sorry... then why were you avoiding me today though?" He asked me.

"It's just kinda... you know... awkward." I said looking down at my feet. "Excluding the truth or dare game, because I want to forget that embarrassment, that was my first kiss, Travis." I admitted.

"Oh uh... sorry." He said and I smiled.

"It's fine."

"Wait can I ask you a question?" He asked me and I nodded. "Did you like it?" I looked up at him to see he was blushing.

I blushed. "I-I y-y-you kno-know..." I was a stuttering mess and Travis smirked.

"You liked it didn't you?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"And what if I did?"

"I'd be happy." He said with a smile. "You know, if I had a star for every time you brightened up my day, I'd have a galaxy in my hand." He said.

"If I punched you every time you said a trashy pick up line, you'd be in the hospital right now." He said, though I did think that pick up line was cute.

"But you wouldn't dare punch me." He said and I punched him in the stomach.

"Well maybe you would." He said his voice strained, as he bent over clutching his stomach. "Just not enough to send me to the hospital."

I smiled and opened the door. "See ya tomorrow." I said as I waved goodbye.

"See you tomorrow beautiful." I heard him say as I walked away.

Yo. Hope you enjoyed, please comment, follow and tell your friends about my story. See ya!

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